Feder’s “Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis” Reviewed By Nass

Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis by Stuart Feder
New Haven:Yale University Press, 2004. pp. viii+353.

Reviewed by Martin L. Nass, Ph.D. Clinical Professor of Psychology, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy; Faculty, Training and Supervisory Analyst, New York Freudian Society; Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College, City University of New York.

Stuart Feder, a man who has engaged in two successful careers, that of psychoanalyst and music scholar, has written a most readable and gripping biography of Gustav Mahler. He has portrayed Mahler in a most human light with all of his gifts, conflicts and struggles. In so doing, he has created a work that at times reads like a fascinating work of fiction. The book is a major contribution to Mahler studies and it is a significant addition to the field of psychoanalytic biography.

The book is subtitled, “A Life in Crisis” and deals with Mahler’s lifelong depression, mourning and preoccupation with death. In fact, to bring this into sharp focus, Feder begins the book with a quotation from Freud, (as quoted by Marie Bonaparte) regarding his experience around Mahler’s consultation with him in Holland. Mahler’s ambivalence about visiting Freud is expressed with good humor and forms a fulcrum around Mahler’s unhappiness, particularly in his last years. (Mahler died the year following his consultation with Freud). Feder skillfully reconstructs the essence of the consultation and describes it with compassion and good clinical understanding. He uses unpublished material from the diary of Marie Bonaparte to document Freud’s account of the meeting.

Continue reading Feder’s “Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis” Reviewed By Nass

Arnold Richards’s Review of Relational Psychoanalysis, Vol. 2: Innovation and Expansion edited by Aron and Harris

Click to Read: Arnold Richards’s Review of Relational Psychoanalysis: Volume 2. Innovation and Expansion. Relational Psychoanalysis Book Series, Vol. 28. Edited by Lewis Aron and Adrienne Harris. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, 2005, 512 pp., $49.95. and published in Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (2006) 44:413-422. © Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. It is posted here by permission.

The Brain That Changes Itself

“The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science” is the title of a book by Norman Doidge about the current revolution in neuroscience reviewed in today’s The New York Times by Abigail Zuger, M.D. “The credo of this revolution is neuroplasticity — the discovery that the human brain is as malleable as a lump of wet clay not only in infancy, as scientists have long known, but well into hoary old age.

Take note of third from last paragraph:

For neuroplasticity may prove a curse as well. The brain can think itself into ruts, with electrical habits as difficult to eradicate as if it were, in fact, the immutable machine of yore. Sometimes “roadblocks” can be created to help steer its activity back in the desired direction (like bandaging the stroke patient’s good arm). Sometimes rewiring the circuits requires hard cerebral work instead; Dr. Doidge cites the successful Freudian analysis of one of his patients.

Click here to read the review

Understanding the Mind of Your Bipolar Child

Gregory T. Lombardo’s “Understanding the Mind of Your Bipolar Child” was reviewed in Psychiatric Times (May 01, 2007 Vol. 24 No. 6). Reviewer Amy E. West concludes:

This book is highly recommended as an excellent resource for parents of patients and for health care professionals who work with children and families affected by bipolar disorder. In particular, the book will benefit those who want to understand the disorder’s emergence within a comprehensive developmental framework.

To read the whole review click here.

Blog News

Announcing two new features at InternationalPsychoanalysis.net

The first is conceptual — we call it our blogs-within-a-blog. Several commentators have stepped up as editors for posts relating to:

psychoanalysis and movies — Herbert H. Stein and Anita Katz (co-editors)
psychoanalysis and art — Danielle Knafo
psychoanalysis and music — Julie Jaffee Nagel
psychoanalysis and books — Joseph Reppen

These editors will be post their own pieces as well as pieces submitted by you. If you’d like to submit a piece for posting, please send it via email to Tamar Schwartz and include the editor’s name in the subject line.

Book Mark Our Book Mart: The second new feature is our Book Mart, accessible from the link on the horizontal menu (a/k/a dashboard) up top. To start off, Book Mart will feature a short list of recommended books at discounted prices, but we hope that the list will grow to include more titles and even some journals. In addition, we can get for you titles from IUP that are not available anywhere else. Tamar Schwartz can take your credit card order via email or telephone.

Another blog you might find of interest

Dr. Richards has asked me to bring to your attention a blog he found of interest. Psyche, Science, and Society — Blog of Stephen Soldz: Psychoanalyst, Psychologist, Researcher, and Activist. One of Soldz’ recent postings features a video: “Obedience, the classic film on the Milgram experiments on obedience to authority.”

To find Soldz’ blog easily in the future (after it scrolls off our main page here) I have added it to the quick links down the left sidebar, under the “Blogs” heading. I have also added a link directly to the Google site hosting the video on the static page currently called Media that you can access by clicking on the Media button on the horizontal menu bar (a/k/a dashboard) toward the top of our blog.

Bobby Kennedy ordered Marilyn Monroe’s murder by lethal injection


Click Here to Read:  Bobby Kennedy ordered Marilyn Monroe’s murder by lethal injection to prevent her from revealing her torrid affairs with RFK and JFK: New book sensationally claims to have finally solved the mystery surrounding her death on the by Caroline Howe on Daily Mail website on May 16, 2014.

Click Here to Read:  Review of The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe by David H. Wolfe, Reviewed by David Marshall on the Camera Website.

Click Here to Buy:   Marilyn Monroe on the Couch: Inside the Mind and Life of Marilyn Monroe by Alma Bond.