Click here to Read: Isidoro Berenstein’s Contribution from the Panel: “Transmisión y nuevas inscripciones en las relaciones entre humanos” at the Berlin Congress on July 28, 2007. This contribution is in Spanish.
IPA Berlin Congress: Peter Wegner
IPA Berlin Congress: Marilla Aisenstein
IPA Berlin Congress: Elsa Aisemberg
Early Registration: Who is My Mother, Who is My Father, Who am I? Conference
Early Registration available until September 15th.
Regular and IPA Members: $150.00
Candidates $75.00
The conference is sponsored by The Committee on Women in Psychoanalysis, which is a committee of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Our committee has sponsored meetings in Portugal, Italy, Spain, England, Mexico, Brazil, Scandinavia and Argentina. as well as France and Germany. This is our second meeting in the United States, the first being in Atlanta. Our aims are to give modern feminist thinking a place in psychoanalysis and to give psychoanalytic thinking a place in the feminist world. This New York Conference gives attendees the opportunity to join a community of parents who have children of a race other than their own and parents who have children of mixed racial heritage and those considering such options a chance to hear from people who have been adopted by people of another race and those of mixed heritage about what their experience means to them. This is a unique opportunity to consider the effects of our thinking on how we raise our children and on how to counsel parents raising children in the new world that they live in now. Come and be a part of the future of parenting. We look forward to welcoming you.
Conference: Who is My Mother, Who is My Father, Who am I?
October 26-28, 2007
At the New York Psychoanalytic Society
247 East 82nd Street
New York, NY 10028
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