Future of Psychoanalytic Education Conference: Power and Authority Panel


Click Here to Read: Panel on Power and Authority in Institute Life Chaired by Thomas Bartlett and including Chap Attwell, Carol B. Levin, Sandra G. Hershberg, Mitchell Wilson, and Warren Procci from the Future of Psychoanalytic Education Conference at The Future of Psychoanalytic Education Conference at Lycee Francais in New York City on December 1st and 2nd, 2007. 

Post Conference Thoughts

What lingers most in my mind about the Future of Psychoanalytic Education conference on Dec. 1 & 2 is the vibe, the feeling that was palpable – in the cafeteria, the ladies room, the book selling space, and during the coffee breaks. I kept hearing people say “thank you” to me – and I was tremendously moved. It seemed to me that the very opportunity to meet together as a group of dedicated analysts, no matter what our affiliation, made everyone a bit high. Overcoming our differences enough to speak with civility, respect, and even warmth gave me real hope for our future. Listening to each other speak from the heart is our calling and we did ourselves proud, in my opinion. Yes, there are hurdles to jump, but the very fact that so many people from so many states found a way to participate in the meeting must be emblematic of our energy and dedication – our love for our work. It is just that energy, dedication, and love that will not only keep us afloat, it will allow us to soar.

The seeds of ecumenicalism have been planted – and if we tend to them, they will blossom. I thank all of you who participated and look forward to seeing you next year.

Future of Psychoanalytic Education Conference: Jurgen Reeder and Jennifer Harper

Click Here to Read:  Jurgen Reeder’s Keynote Address on “Ethos and care: Themes for Reflection upon the Future of Psychoanalytic Education”  from the Future of Psychoanalytic Education Conference held on December 1st and December 2nd at the Lycee Francais in New York City.

Click Here to Read: Jennifer Harper’s Discussion of Jurgen Reeder’s Keynote Address at the same conference.

Click Here: for the Book Mart to Buy Jurgen Reeder’s Book. 

COWAP New York: Elsa First

Click Here to Read: Elsa First’s  Response to presentation by Dr. Ravinder Barn “Inter-Racial Parenting : Negotiating Difference and Belonging” given at  COWAP Conference  on Identity Formation in Bi-Racial Families including  Cross-Racial Adoption. Oct 27th 2007,  New York Psychoanalytic, NY NY.  (This is the text of the spoken talk . A FULLER VERSION IS IN PREPARATION FOR PUBLICATION.)

The State of Threat and Psychoanalysis: From the Uncanny that Structures to the Uncanny that Alienates by Janine Puget

Click Here to Read: ‘The State of Threat and Psychoanalysis: From the Uncanny that Structures to the Uncanny that Alienates” by Janine Puget from the website Free Associations.  Originally published in French in a collection with the title Violence d’etat et psychanalyse. Paris: Bordas, 1989. This essay is chapter one of the collection. This translation copyright Trista Selous 1990. trista.selous@btinternet.com  Address for correspondence: janinep@fibertel.com.ar. Publisher in Great Britain: Process Press Ltd. under the title. Terror and Psychoanalysis in Argentina. Edited by Janine Puget and René Kaës, who hold the copyright to the collection and introduction.