Click Here to Read: Rosalba Bueno-Osawa’s Contribution to the COWAP New York Conference, “Who is My Mother? Who is My Father? Who am I” on October 27th, 2007.
Category: In Progress
IFPE Congress: Gerald J. Gargiulo
2005 IFPE Presidential Address: Judith E. Vida
Click Here to Read: Judith E. Vida’s Contribution, “Using Everything: Translation as a Way of Life” a Presidential Address intended for International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education Sixteenth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, October 21-23, 2005 Delivered at “Revived in Querétaro (After Wilma)” Some Papers Rescheduled from Ft. Lauderdale, Querétaro, México, February 20-22, 2006.
2006 IPFE Presidential Address: Judith E. Vida
Cowap New York: Eleanor Schuker
COWAP New York: Rosalba Bueno-Osawa
Jon Mills: Rethinking Mind in the Age of the Brain
Report from China #1
I have just returned from 21 days in China. I don’t think I have ever worked so hard or eaten so well. If anyone is interested, I will send you a list of the places where I spoke and the people whom I met. A lecture in China usually lasts for 3 hours. Almost every night there was a banquet and often one at lunch too. Most of these arrangements were made by Zhang Haiyan. She is the young psychiatrist who was in analysis with one of our group and who is now in Canada. There, she has just begun her psychoanalytic training at the Toronto Institute. Her professor in China was Richang Zheng, a nationally famous psychologist who seems to know every one in China interested in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. I was passed on from one person to another all issuing invitations for me to speak—so that before I left for China, there were only two free half days in my schedule and these were filled when I got there.
I did a large number of supervisions and also consultations as well as speaking to many heads of departments and programs and individual psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors. This is a very long email so I will put a table on contents here and you can print it out and read it at your leisure or skip the parts that are of no interest. Tomorrow I will try to post a description of what is happening with the two-year training program. Continue reading Report from China #1