Transgender Life: Social and Clinical Considerations with Wendy Olesker, PhD, Ken Corbett, Ph.D., Griffin Hansbury, M.A., L.M.S.W. and Avgi Saketopoulou, Psy.D. at NYPSI

NYPSI’s 1020th Scientific Program Meeting: Transgender Life: Social and Clinical Considerations with Wendy Olesker, PhD, Ken Corbett, Ph.D., Griffin Hansbury, M.A., L.M.S.W. and Avgi Saketopoulou, Psy.D.

Transgender Life: Social and Clinical Considerations

Moderator Wendy Olesker, PhD, and Panelists Ken Corbett, Ph.D.,
Griffin Hansbury, M.A., L.M.S.W. and Avgi Saketopoulou, Psy.D.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 8 pm
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
247 East 82nd Street, NYC (btwn 2nd and 3rd Aves)

The presenters will highlight, based on their experiences in working with transgender patients, the complex contribution of the changing social world and the role of gender regulation, from a psychoanalytic perspective. The focus is also on the clinical process, including ways to prevent misattunement and ruptures due to unrecognized countertransference. Continue reading Transgender Life: Social and Clinical Considerations with Wendy Olesker, PhD, Ken Corbett, Ph.D., Griffin Hansbury, M.A., L.M.S.W. and Avgi Saketopoulou, Psy.D. at NYPSI