We invite you to our Jan. 16th, 2014 Discussion Group # 110 on Loneliness and Aloneness at the Waldorf Astoria, NYC. The psychoanalytic literature provides many theories about what drives loneliness. Dr. Richard Reichbart will present a clinical case of a woman whom he believes uses her loneliness as a way to avenge the perceived and real hurts by particular men in her life. Also, he will use examples from situations with other women patients who demonstrate similar dynamics.
Different theories of loneliness will be referred to as we distinguish between loneliness and solitude. Inter-pretations that might help a person to move beyond his/her loneliness will be considered as they apply to this patient and perhaps to some other patients whom we treat. Dr. Arlene Kramer Richards will lead the discussion and Dr. Lucille Spira briefly will summarize psychoanalytic ideas about loneliness.
Date: Jan. 16th
Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
Place: Waldorf Astoria, NYC Continue reading Loneliness Discussion Group at APsaA Meeting: Jan. 2014