Society Saturday: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy


Click Here to Read: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy website.

Click Here to Read: Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy on facebook.

Click Here to Read:  Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Events on the MITPP website.

Click Here to Read:  Metropolitan Institute for Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy About us on the on the MITPP website.

Society Saturday: The National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis


Click Here to Read:  The National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis website.

Click Here to Read: National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP) on the website.

Click Here to Read: Psychoanalysis as a Profession: Confronting the NAAP challenge to psychoanalysis by Fredric T. Perlman, Ph.D. Text of a talk given at the Conference of the Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association, Washington DC, August 21, 2005.

Click Here to Read: Other posts on Society Saturday on this website.

Society Saturday: Contemporary Freudian Society


Click Here to Read:  The Contemporary Freudian Society website.

Click Here to Read: A Contemporary Freudian Slip: After a controversial but predictable debate, a leading New York psychoanalytic society changes its name By Jessica Gross on the Tablet Website on May 7, 2012.

Click Here to Read:  Psychoanalytic Training Institute of The Contemporary Freudian Society.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts of Society Saturday on this website./