Click Here to Read: New Study Suggests That Dogs Can Understand What You’re Saying on the ENewsBreak website on September 3, 2016.
Category: Science News
Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun
The Morgan Marks the Centennial of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity
Click Here to Read: The Morgan Marks the Centennial of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity by Allison Meier on the HyperAllergic Website on August 31, 2016.
Installation view of ‘Celebrating 100 Years of Einstein’s General Theory’ at the Morgan Library & Museum (photo by the author for Hyperallergic)
NASA: Earth Warming at a Pace ‘Unprecedented in 1,000 Years’
Do You Believe in God, or Is That a Software Glitch?
The Brain That Couldn’t Remember
Scientists say they’ve found a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, our closest neighbor
Click Here to Read: Scientists say they’ve found a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, our closest neighbor By Rachel Feltman in the Washington Post on August 24, 2016.
Click Here to Read: Potentially Earth-like planet found in habitable zone of nearest star
By Don Barrett on the World Socialist Web Site on August 27, 2016.
Artist’s impression of the planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. (ESO/G. Coleman)
From Fins Into Hands: Scientists Discover a Deep Evolutionary Link
Same but Different: How epigenetics can blur the line between nature and nurture
Click Here to Read: Same but Different: How epigenetics can blur the line between nature and nurture by Siddartha Mukerjee in The New Yorker in the May 2, 2016 Issue.
The author’s mother (right) and her twin are a study in difference and identity. CREDITPHOTOGRAPH BY DAYANITA SINGH FOR THE NEW YORKER