Young Chekhovathon for Chekhovaphiles (of all ages)


Click Here to Read:  Young Chekhovathon for Chekhovaphiles (of all ages) by Paul Levy on the Plain English website on August 4, 2016.

James McArdle as Platonov and Nina Sosanya as Anna Petrovna in PLATONOV by  Anton Chekhov. Director – Jonathan Kent, Designer – Tom Pye, Lighting – Mark Henderson, Music – Jonathan Dove, Sound – Paul Groothuis, The National Theatre, London, UK, 2016, Credit – Johan Persson – /

William Shakespeare’s Birthday: April 23rd, 1564


Click Here to Read: How Shakespeare Lives Now by Stephen Greenblatt in The New York Review of Books Issue on April 21, 2016 Issue.

Click Here to Read: Freud on Shakespeare: A Approach to Psychopathic Chararcters by by Chin-Jung Chis in the Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 5:1 (April 2012), 33-56.

Click Here to Read: Psychology Sunday: William Shakespeare on this website

Click Here to Read:  Writer’s Wednesday:  William Shakespeare on this website. Continue reading William Shakespeare’s Birthday: April 23rd, 1564

Marx, Freud, Hitler, Mandela, Greer… Shakespeare influenced them all


Click Here to Read: Marx, Freud, Hitler, Mandela, Greer… Shakespeare influenced them all on The Conversation website on April 18, 2016.

Even if you’ve never read or seen any of Shakespeare’s works, his influence has touched your life. Photo credits, clockwise from top: Kevin Lamarque, public domain, public domain, public domain, public domain, Mike Tsikas, 20th Century Fox, Mike Hutchings

The Vilna Troupe Comes to the US

THE VILNA TROUPE COMES TO THE U.S:. Post by Steven Lasky on the Museum of Yiddish Theatre page on Faceboook.el-vilnatroupe
World War I had begun and the battles raged on between the German and Russian armies. This took a great toll on the citizens that stood between them, especially the Jews. Territory changed hands more than once, especially in such areas as Northeast Poland and Lithuania. Jews in various locations such as Kovno were forced by the Russians to move to other towns or cities such as Vilnius. After a year of fighting, the German army finally broke through the Russian lines and Vilnius was captured.

courtesy of
One day, two young actors named Alexander Asro (Azro) and Jacob Sherman approached Kovno native Leib Continue reading The Vilna Troupe Comes to the US