Off the Radar Screen by Douglas Kirsner

Click Here to Read: Off the Radar Screen by Douglas Kirsner.

Click Here to Read: Saving Psychoanalysts: Ernest Jones and the Isakowers by Douglas Kirsner on this website.

Click Here to Read: Politics Masquerading as Science: Ralph Greenson, Anna Freud, and the Klein Wars by Douglas Kirsner on this website.

Click Here to Read: Review of Charles B. Strozier’s Book: Heinz Kohut, The Making of a Psychoanalyst, Reviewed by Douglas Kirsner on this website.

Click Here to Read: Life Among the Analysts by Douglas Kirsner on this website.

Click Here to Read:  Excerpts From Unfree Associations: Updated Edition by Douglas Kirsner  on this website.

Click Here to Read:  Illusion and the stock market crash by Douglas Kirsner on this website.

Click Here to Read:  Psychoanalysis Gone Wrong?: My Life in Theory by Leo Rangell reviewed by Douglas Kirsner on this website.

Contemporary Psychoanalytic Culture(s) in Anthropological Perspective by Robert Paul with Introduction on by Nathan Szajnberg

What’s Culture Got to do with Id? Introduction to Bobby Paul on Culture and Psychoanalysis.
N. Szajnberg, MD

An overture to a remarkable guest article by Bobby Paul on culture(s) and psychoanalysis; his work will re-frame how we think about variations in psychoanalysis.  Like an overture, I will present some themes; then, listen to Bobby Paul develop them.

This is the first of several guest pieces on culture and psychoanalysis. is international; its audience diverse.  These guest pieces will address the nature of psychoanalysis across cultures and our ability to understand each other. Continue reading Contemporary Psychoanalytic Culture(s) in Anthropological Perspective by Robert Paul with Introduction on by Nathan Szajnberg

Psychodynamic Work, Community Mental Health, and Multicultural Sensitivity by Daniel Benveniste

Click Here to Read:  Psychodynamic Work, Community Mental Health, and Multicultural Sensitivity by Daniel Benveniste.

This article originally appeared as Benveniste, Daniel (1994, 1996).   Psychodynamic Work, Community Mental Health, and Multicultural Sensitivity San Francisco Psychologist , December 1994; reprinted in the Newsletter of the Minnesota Society for Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies Summer 1996 Vol. 2, No. 1. and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.

Click Here to Read:  Emanuel Windholz: The Institute Builder and other previously posted articles by Daniel Benveniste on this website.

Your analyst wears combat boots by Nathan Szajnberg

Your Analyst Wears Combat Boots by Nathan Szajnberg, MD Aug 22, 2011

Bragin’s recent post on combat veterans suggests a belated call for analysts to lace up their combat boots.  The Veteran’s Adminstration has the largest mental health system in the United States; psychoanalysts are a shadow presence. Prudence Gourgechon encouraged more involvement at the January American Psychoanalytic Meetings.

This contrasts sharply with psychoanalysts engagement and dedication in WWI and WWII.  Simmel in WWI saw thousands of “shell shocked” soldiers and ported that information back to Freud and colleagues, influencing our initial ideas about trauma and mourning. Continue reading Your analyst wears combat boots by Nathan Szajnberg