Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy, Part 1, by Elio Frattaroli

Click Here to Read: Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy, Part2, by Elio Frattaroli on this website.

By Elio Frattaroli, MD.

Introduction: Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
Here, we readers face a challenge and a treat. Since 1985, Elio Frattaroli has been thinking and writing about the conflict inherent in our field. He reads our history as if psychoanalysis were an organism, a being with its own psychodynamics. ( readers know that Arnie Richards has been writing about our community in a similar Fleckian vein.)
In the first half of this article, which you see this week, Frattaroli presents his hypothesis: Freud ‘s intrapsychic conflict was being both heretic (the idol-smasher, the sex unveiler, the dream revealer) and orthodox (the “excommunicator of Adler, Jung and a few others); his followers carried on Continue reading Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy, Part 1, by Elio Frattaroli

Gender Matters by Wynn K. Jackson and Charles G. Gardner

Introduction to Gender Matters.

          This article samples your interest in brief clinical observations. 

          Gardner and Jackson are both analysts trained at Columbia and both practicing in Greenwich Ct. for some decades. They note here that at their community general medical hospital and some outpatients, the staff and Continue reading Gender Matters by Wynn K. Jackson and Charles G. Gardner

Arnold Richards Receives 2013 Hans Loewald Award: Past Honorees’s Papers Here


Hans W. Loewald (1906-1992) was a practitioner, scholar, and teacher with a deep respect for the history and complexity of psychoanalytic thought. He was also an innovator who was willing to challenge prevailing wisdom and to extend the boundaries of psychoanalytic knowledge. His Collected Papers (1980) and his volumes on Psychoanalysis and the History of the Individual (1978) and Sublimation (1988) endure as seminal explorations of psychoanalytic theory and process, creativity, and culture. The Forum (previously Federation) has established the Hans W. Loewald Memorial Award to recognize an individual’s distinguished contribution to psychoanalytic education.

See Below for Available Papers: Continue reading Arnold Richards Receives 2013 Hans Loewald Award: Past Honorees’s Papers Here

Our Sexy Brain; Our Compelling Environment: Interaction in Female Development by Doris K. Silverman

Click Here to Read:  Our Sexy Brain;  Our Compelling Environment:  Interaction in  Female Development by Doris K. Silverman.

This article originally appeared as:  Silverman, D.K. (2010).  Our Sexy Brain;  Our Compelling Environment:  Interaction in  Female Development.  The Psychoanalytic Review 97:(1) and appears here with all relevant rights and permissions.