Peripatetic Continues: Rio Favelas: the Analyst, the Dance and the AK47’s by Chuck Fisher

Peripatetic Continues: Rio Favelas: the Analyst, the Dance and the AK47’s. Chuck Fisher reports

Chuck and Leah hit tuff turf in a Rio favela. Chuck and Leah join an Afro-Brazilian Candomble ceremony.  During hours of religious, celebratory dance, including trances, the air is punctuated by both pounding rain and AK47 shooting.  Let’s watch and listen. Soon, the rain forest.

Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

Candomble Night in Rio: On Not Knowing What is Dangerous   Chuck Fisher from the Favelas of Rio

Peripatetic Psychoanalyst (Almost) Dances in Ghana by Chuck Fisher

     While Chuck Fisher is in the wilds of the Amazon or thereabouts, he found a way to get this letter and video to us about their stay in Ghana. Dreaming and Dancing on the Shores of Lake Volta.

  N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
Dear Colleagues:        
         Leah and I have had some spectacular experiences in Ghana.

         It began on our first or second full day in Ghana.  I sent e-mail to Akosua Adomako, Director of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana–Legon; Angela Ofori-Atta in Psychology; and Kodzo Gavua in Continue reading Peripatetic Psychoanalyst (Almost) Dances in Ghana by Chuck Fisher

Peripatetic Psychoanalyst III: Perchance to Dream

Chuck Fisher and his wife Leah are taking a six month travel sabbatical. Prior to this break, Chuck has studied Dream Rituals of the Achuar of Ecuador: here are observations on African dream rituals. Next, week, dancing with the Ghanians.
Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Leah and I are enjoying adventures in Cape Town, South Africa. It’s a comfortable place to stay, much more reminiscent of San Continue reading Peripatetic Psychoanalyst III: Perchance to Dream

Uncertainty and Countertransference by Robert Tyson

Uncertainty and Countertransference
Robert L.  Tyson, M.D.  3/85

    There are, of course, many ways by which uncertainty may affect the psychoanalytic interaction between analyst and analysand.  The nature and quality of that interaction determines whether or not it is a psychoanalytic one, or some other variety, and it ultimately also determines whether it is a process which proceeds, or one which becomes arrested.  I will examine some clinical examples of how the analyst’s uncertainty can affect the analytic process through the countertransference, but first I will establish working definitions of countertransference and of uncertainty. Continue reading Uncertainty and Countertransference by Robert Tyson

Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy Part 2 by Elio Frattaroli

By Elio Frattaroli, MD.

Introduction: Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
Frattaroli argues that conflict in our discipline was inevitable: in part I, he shows that Freud’s ambivalent heresy and orthodoxy became played out in his disciples, who, however became either heretics (Reich, Fromm, Adler) or orthodox (Strachey, Jones, Hartmann).  Frattaroli studies our discipline as an organism with its own psychic dynamics: understanding these more clearly may permit us to master the conflicts, rather than perpetuate them in a repetition compulsion.
Continue reading Psychoanalysis in Conflict: Orthodoxy and Heresy Part 2 by Elio Frattaroli

The Peregrinating Psychoanalyst (Try Repeating): Chuck and Leah Fisher now in Argentina


The Peregrinating Psychoanalyst (Try Repeating): Chuck and Leah Fisher now in Argentina
N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

A treat. Chuck Fisher and his wife Leah are taking a six month travel sabbatical. Prior to this break, Chuck spent time with the Acuar of South America on their dream rituals.  He generously shares his experiences and photos with International Psychoanalysis readers.  Last report was his visit in South Africa on Mark Solms estate.  Today, we voyage through tangos, glaciers, water falls in Argentina, and a secret loma steak meal with David and Estella Rosenfeld. (Chuck will send Continue reading The Peregrinating Psychoanalyst (Try Repeating): Chuck and Leah Fisher now in Argentina