NYPSI Gets Gopnik-ed by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

NYPSI Gets Gopnik-ed

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

“Children reconnect us to romance…..The passions … rise for them everyday….They compel us to see the world as an unusual place again. Sharing a life with them is sharing a life with lovers, explorers, scientists, pirates, poets. It makes for interesting mornings.” from Through the Children’s Gate.

Adam Gopnik, interviewed by Lois Oppenheim, brought this warm sensibility to NYPSI’s centennial celebration last Friday night; it was a stellar hit for Continue reading NYPSI Gets Gopnik-ed by N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

Analysts as “outsiders,” and outside the Big City by Charles Gardner, MD.

Our guest writer is Dr. Charlie Gardner.  He co-authored the piece on gender and psychiatry posted recently  Click Here to Read this Article. But, there are several personal connections with this piece on practicing psychiatry and psychoanalysis in a small town: first a connection with his grandfather and father; second a connection we have from the 1980’s. Charlie Gardner’s grandfather was an old-time country doc who did home visits; drove a flivver. Charlie’s dad taught at the Yale Psychiatric Institute (and taught one of my dream courses). Charlie was a resident at Cornell Westchester when I was on faculty. Continue reading Analysts as “outsiders,” and outside the Big City by Charles Gardner, MD.

The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst Enters the Jungle, Fishing for Dreams


Chuck Fisher returns to the Achuar of Ecuador, deep in the Amazon, where he has visited over the past seven years to join in their daily 4 a.m. dream reports and interpretations.

Listen to the remarkable openness about dream life and to Chuck’s gentle manner of pursuing the Achuar’s view of dream predictability, inevitableness and the “oculto,” where dreams continue their dark work.

The pictures are stunning; the video of fishing by hand, unique. Continue reading The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst Enters the Jungle, Fishing for Dreams

The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst By Chuck Fisher

Click Here to Read: South Africa Letter from Chuck Fisher on this website.

Click Here to Read: The Peregrinating Psychoanalyst (Try Repeating): Chuck and Leah Fisher now in Argentina on this website.

Click Here to Read: Peripatetic Psychoanalyst III: Perchance to Dream on this website.

Click Here to Read: Peripatetic Continues: Rio Favelas: the Analyst, the Dance and the AK47′s by Chuck Fisher on this website.

Click Here to Read: Peripatetic Psychoanalyst (Almost) Dances in Ghana by Chuck Fisher on this website.

Teen Brain Development: Blos Revisited

 Teen Brain Development: Blos Revisited

  N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor

 This recent, scholarly review of adolescent neurobiological  development, elaborates its complexity, both anatomically and  pharmacologically. In some sense, it re-presents eter Blos Sr.’s  books on adolescent development.   But,this review then continues with the implications  for trying to medicate the adolescent, including the controversies About the SSRI’s. 

 N. Szajnberg, MD

 By Karanges and McGregor: Continue reading Teen Brain Development: Blos Revisited

Three More Articles by Zvi Lothane

Click Here to Read: Dramatology in life, disorder, and psychoanalytic therapy: A further contribution to interpersonal psychoanalysis by Zvi Lothane.

This article originally appeared as:  Lothane, Zvi. (2009). Dramatology in life, disorder, and psychoanalytic therapy: A further contribution to interpersonal psychoanalysis. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 18:3, 135 – 148 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.  

 Click Here to Read: Dramatology vs. narratology: Continue reading Three More Articles by Zvi Lothane

Contributions to a panel on The Role of Empathy in the Psychoanalytic Process by Jacob Arlow

Click Here to Read:  Contributions to a panel on The Role of Empathy in the Psychoanalytic Process by Jacob Arlow.
Introduction by Sheldon Goodman:
I would like to commence this introduction to Jacob Arlow’s paper on “Empathy” by picking-up on his description of the nature of empathy. Continue reading Contributions to a panel on The Role of Empathy in the Psychoanalytic Process by Jacob Arlow

A Visit with Mark Solms

Mark Solms visited by Chuck Fisher, shortly before Mark became Sigourney-ed. 
N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor

  This report concerns his visit in South Africa on Mark Solms’ estate.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

              Leah and I had an exciting visit with Mark Solms, the well-known psychoanalyst and neuropsychologist who has done so much to shape contemporary views of the dreaming brain and the neuroscience of subjectivity. Mark was quite interested in Beth Kalish’s and my findings about dreams among the Achuar in the Amazon.  We talked about those at some length and considered the issue of worldwide similarities in dream contents in relation to the neuroscience of dreaming.  There may be further developments about this topic as we look to the future. He also had lots to say about his debates with Alan Hobson and the current state of scientific research on the Continue reading A Visit with Mark Solms