The Couch as Icon by Ahron Friedberg & Louis Linn

Click here to read: “The Couch as Icon” by Ahron Friedberg & Louis Linn originally published in The Psychoanalytic Review, volume 99, No. 1, February 2012.

The couch has always been an integral part of psychoanalytic practice. It has even become a cultural icon representing psychoanalysis itself. However, minimal evidence exists in the psychoanalytic literature that using the couch is necessary or even necessarily helpful to establish a psychoanalytic process and conduct an analysis. Furthermore, it can potentially be harmful to patients such as those who have experienced early loss and trauma or who have significant ego organizational prob- lems. Therefore, the use of the couch per se does not seem well suited as a defining criterion of psychoanalysis. To the extent that it may be clinically valuable, the use of the couch should be more carefully con- sidered and critically examined.

“On Sulking” by Dr. Joseph Berke

Click here to read: “On Sulking” by Dr Joseph Berke.

Sulking is a state of sullen resentment, irritability and negativity manifested by and through extreme inactivity. It is a key to understanding many self destructive phenomena including the refusal to talk, to eat or to thrive. Moreover, in therapy or analysis, sulking often lies behind the negative therapeutic reaction. Most severely, conditions such as paranoia, somatic psychoses, and manic episodes may signify intense, unremitting, unrestrained sulking…

Freud’s Dogs


Click here to read: “Freud’s Dogs” by by Peter Byrne from Swans Commentary on June 4, 2012.

“Hence comes the four-legged friendships of so many of the better kind of men, for on what indeed should one refresh oneself from the endless deceit, falseness, and cunning of men if it were not for the dogs into whose faithful countenance one may look without distrust?”
—Arthur Schopenhauer, Ethics


Shell Shocked


Click here to read: “Shell Shocked” by  Dr. Edgar Jones from the June 2012 American Psychological Association’s 43 volume, which outlines the World War I story of Charles S. Myers who convinced the British military to understand Shell Shock as a serious illness and developed approaches that continue to guide treatment today.

“My Friend Peter Loewenberg” by Josh Hoffs, MD

“My Friend Peter Loewenberg” by Josh Hoffs, MD with an introduction by N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor

Dr. Josh Hoffs’ piece below will be in Clio’s Psyche and tells us more of a life full-lived. Among other significant achievements for our field, Dr. Loewenberg along with Nellie Thompson of NYPSI edited the centenary history of the International Psychoanalytic Association, 100 years of the IPA (London:  Karnac, 2011).  As Dean of his Institute, he catalyzed the union of the two LA Institutes. In the psychoanalytic land of fission (see Doug Kirshner’s Unfree Associations), this is like discovering fusion in nuclear science.  But there is much more here, including Dr. Loewemberg’s initiatives in China, once his refuge and childhood home.

Please use link below to read: “My Friend Peter Loewenberg” by Josh Hoffs, MD.

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