Click Here to Read: The Classical Psychoanalytic Technique Revisited by Robert L. Lippman, Ph.D.
This paper is previously unpublished.
Click Here to Read: The Classical Psychoanalytic Technique Revisited by Robert L. Lippman, Ph.D.
This paper is previously unpublished.
Click here to read “Mass Psychology of the Led and the Leaders: Masses and Mobs, Democracy and Demagogues Or How Prejudice of the Leader becomes Mass Paranoia With Some Thoughts on the Current World Events.”
By Zvi Lothane, M. D.
This paper was originally published in International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 15:183-192, 2006.
Below find a list of papers posted on from 2009 to the present. Those not published in any other venue are marked with “UN.”
Chase, H.E. (April 1911). Freud’s Theories of the Unconscious. The North Carolina High School Bulletin, April 1911, pp. 110-121
September 7th, 2009
Other/Wise, The Online Journal of the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Volume 2, Fall 2009.
September 16th, 2009
UN Pearls From Tears: The Poetry of Irene Klepfisz by Arlene Kramer Richards from the IPTAR Arts Symposium on October 25, 2009.
October 27th, 2009
UN International Conference: BODY, PSYCHOSIS AND THE FUTURE OF PSYCHOANALYSIS, Introduction to the conference by Riccardo Lombardi:
November 6th, 2009 Continue reading Papers on
Click here to read “Playing with Brazilian Street Children: a pilot study using narrative story stem” by Dr. M. Leticia Castrechini F. Franieck; Prof. Dr. Michael Günter University of Tübingen-Germany.
Dr. Franieck has been studying three groups of Brazilian slum children: homeless street kids; those in shanties and those living away from their abusive families. In a poignant study, she shows how these children remain emotionally connected (for better and worse) to their parents. She uses the MacArthur story-telling technique. Bear with the methodology, as what she has to teach us about disenfranchised children is valuable.
(This was presented at the 2012 World Association of Infant Mental Health meeting in South Africa.)
N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor
Click here to read “How Racist Are We? Ask Google” by Harvard PhD candidate Seth Stephens-Davidowitz in The New York Times on June 9, 2012, which discusses the findings from his recent study (link below).
Click here to read the original paper by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz: “The Effects of Racial Animus on a Black Presidential Candidate: Using Google Search Data to Find What Surveys Miss”
Click Here to Read: As Good As it Gets: A Study in Sibling Rivalry by Jacob Arlow.