Re-Form: Can Psychoanalysis Take It?

Re-Form: Can Psychoanalysis Take It?
A continuing dialogue by Richard Gottlieb.

Dr. Gottlieb sparks us to think with Dr. Makari about the fundamentals of our profession, our dedication to inner life and how to teach this discipline.  Gottlieb also asks us to attend closely to our language so that we are clear with ourselves and others what we mean. This respectfully critical dialogue advances thinking in a professional community. Continue reading Re-Form: Can Psychoanalysis Take It?

Analysts Living Longer: But, How do We Practice?


We have paired companion pieces, the first we run now and was published in 2001, written by an industrial engineer (retired). He documents the longer life span of (male) analysts. My guess, given the series out of London of elderly female analysts, we might find the same for women.

But, the follow-up piece we will run is on the nature of clinical practice as we age. This article by Eisenstein comes to us thanks to Jimmy Fisher in LA and his colleague Dr. Hoffs. Give us your thoughts.

N. Szajnberg, MD Managing Editor.

Click Here to Read:  The Mortality of Psychoanalysts by Edward Jeffreys Continue reading Analysts Living Longer: But, How do We Practice?

Kandel Illuminates Art and Mind: Book Review by Barry and Kupferman

Click here to read “Healing a Shattered World: The Bridge Between Neuroscience and Art,” a review by Virginia Barry & Justine Kupferman of Eric R. Kandel’s The Age of Insight: The Quest to Undertand the Unconscious in Art, Mind and Brain.

Here is a treat for us at multiple levels. Eric Kandel, Nobel-prize winning neuroscientist, a scholar of memory, has written a new book on insights into art and our minds. This refugee from Vienna returns to the Secessionist artists to reflect on how they portray inner life on the canvas.

For me, this is a personal reminiscence. Bruno Bettelheim was invited to speak at the Pratt Institute well after he retired. His Ph.D. in Vienna was on aesthetics. He spoke about his favorite artists, Schiele, Kokoschka and Klimt. He was moved to be invited to Pratt and to talk of his first love, these artists.

We are fortunate to have a mother-daughter team review this book. Dr. Virginia Barry, a Chicago psychoanalyst (who trained at Michael Reese when I also trained there under Roy Grinker Sr.) joins her daughter, Justine Kupferman, a graduate student in neuroscience at Columbia.

No more delays. Dive into a fascinating review of a remarkable book.

Nathan Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor.

Paper: Cognitive-behavioural interventions for children who have been sexually abused

Cognitive-behavioural interventions for children who have been sexually abused. 2012 May 16;5:CD001930

Macdonald G, Higgins JP, Ramchandani P, Valentine JC, Bronger LP, Klein P, O’Daniel R, Pickering M, Rademaker B, Richardson G, Taylor M.
SourceDirector, Institute of Child Care Research, School of Sociology, Social Policy and SocialWork,Queen’sUniversity Belfast, Belfast, UK.

BACKGROUND:Despite differences in how it is defined, there is a general consensus amongst clinicians and researchers that the sexual abuse of children and adolescents (‘child sexual abuse’) is a substantial social problem
Continue reading Paper: Cognitive-behavioural interventions for children who have been sexually abused

Horst Kächele – Dreams as a subject of psychoanalytical research at the Joseph Sandler Conference 2012

Click Here to View:  Horst Kächele – Dreams as a subject of psychoanalytical research at the Joseph Sandler Conference 2012

Here is Kachele’s presentation (in German with ocassional English) of 2011. He discusses the profound differences between clinical science and emprirical science and how to possibly bridge this gap.

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managaing Editor