Francis Baudry’s Presenation at Symposium 2013

This is a the thrid of three talks presented at Panel 1 of Symposium 2013 on the subject of “Jealousy and Envy from Different Perspectives.”

Click Below to Listen To: Frank Baudy’s Presentation at Symposium 2013: Envy and Jealousy at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City on April 6, 2013, Part 1.

Click Below to Listen To: Frank Baudy’s Presentation at Symposium 2013: Envy and Jealousy at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City on April 6, 2013, Part 2.

Steven Ellman’s Presentation at Symposium 2013

This is a the second of three talks presented at Panel 1 of Symposium 2013 on the subject of “Jealousy and Envy from Different Perspectives.”

Click Below to Listen To: Steven Ellman’s Presentation at Symposium 2013: Envy and Jealousy at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City on April 6, 2013, Part 1.

Click Below to Listen To: Steven Ellman;s Presentation at Symposium 2013: Envy and Jealousy at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City on April 6, 2013, Part 2.

Kenneth Winarick’s Presentation at Symposium 2013

Lil-WInarick-BW-21This is a the first of three talks presented at Panel 1 of Symposium 2013 on the subject of “Jealousy and Envy from Different Perspectives.”

Click Below  to Listen To:  Kenneth Winarick’s Presentation at Symposium 2013:  Envy and Jealousy at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City on April 6, 2013.

Click Below to Listen To: Part 2 of Kenneth Winarick’s Presentation at Symposium 2013:  Envy and Jealousy at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City on April 6, 2013.

Hilda Doolittle and Creativity: Freud’s Gift by Arlene Kramer Richards


Click Here to Read:  Hilda Doolittle and Creativity:  Freud’s Gift by Arlene Kramer Richards.   This paper originally appeared as:  Richards, Arlene Kramer (1992 ).  Hilda Dootlitle and Creativity:  Freud’s Gift. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 47:391-406 and appears here with all requisite rights and conditions.

Click Here to Read:  This paper in Chinese.

Psychoanalytic Work in Today’s World: What Would Freud Think? by Jane Hall


Click Here To Listen to an Audio of this talk, Part 1:

Click Here To Listen to an Audio of this talk, Part 2:

It is 2009: 100 years since Freud brought psychoanalysis to America delivering his introductory lectures at Clark University. The world has changed vastly since Freud created his baby. What kid of parent would he have been during separation/individuation, adolescence, and  adulthood? And, just what is psychoanalytic work in today’s world?  This paper touches on the some of the developmental difficulties of psychoanalysis, and suggests that, unlike Freud and his disciples, we try to listen to each other with open minds and a learning ears. We must respect the separation/individuation phase and cultivate our acceptance of “the other.” Individuation implies autonomy, seemingly at odds with institute life here in America. Factionalism during what some call the demise of psychoanalysis is suicidal. Listening to like minded individuals is soothing and helpful, but listening as well to those who challenge ‘received wisdom’ can lead to growth. As for psychoanalytic work – I will talk briefly about how I have evolved from my orthodox roots.

Click Here To Read The Rest of her Talk: Psychoanalytic Work in Today’s World: What Would Freud Think? by Jane S. Hall from the conference.

The Spectrum of Analytic Interaction


Click Here to Read:  The Spectrum of Analytic Interaction: A Contemporary Freudian Perspective by Arthur A. Lynch, D.S.W., Janet L. Bachant, Ph.D., and Arnold D. Richards, M.D.

Click Here to Read:  Powerpoint for The Spectrum of Analytic Interaction: A Contemporary Freudian Perspective by Arthur A. Lynch, D.S.W., Janet L. Bachant, Ph.D., and Arnold D. Richards, M.D.

Click Here to View:  In Treatment, 2nd Season, and 1st Seasons of In Treatment and Be’tipul on this website.


Separate and Connected: a side-by-side model for intervening with mother-child dyads in small groups by Alice Rosenman and Joan Musitano


Click Here to Read: Abstract and Vignette from Separate and Connected: a side-by-side model for intervening with mother-child dyads in small groups by Alice Rosenman and Joan Musitano.

This is an extract from the article that originally appeared as : Rosenman, A, & Musitano, J. (2012). Separate and Connected: a side-by-side model for intervening with mother-child dyads in small groups. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 11:96-112 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.

Alice Rosenman                         Joan Musitano