Click Here To Read: Psychoanalysis: Freud’s Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality by Kristen M. Beystehner of Northwestern University on the Personality Research Website.
Category: Papers
Doublethinking Our Way to “Scientific” Legitimacy: The Desiccation of Human Experience by Irwin Z. Hoffman
Radical Innovator and Staunch Conservative: Anna Freud’s Wartime Work and Contribution to Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice
Steven Reisner: Comments on a State of Exception
Tres Artículos Sobre Harold Searles
Click Here to Read: Fases de la interacción paciente-terapeuta en la psicoterapia de la esquizofrenia crónica por Harold Searles3 (1961). CeIR Vol. 10 (1) – Febrero 2016.
Click Here to Read: Homenaje a Harold Searles (1918-2015): Harold Searles: Algunas notas sobre un psicoanalista discreto por Ariel Liberman Isod en Clínica e Investigación Relacional, 10 (1): 240-246.
Click Here to Read: ¿Qué nos ha enseñado H.F.Searles? Una revisión de su práctica clínica en Clínica e Investigación Relacional, 10 (1): 247-261.
These articles are in Spanish.
Announcing Psychoanalytic Inquiry 36:2: Psychoanalysis in Japan
The Editors of Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Joe Lichtenberg and Mel Bornstein, would like to announce the current issue [36:2] Psychoanalysis in Japan: Exploring the Encounter with Otherness. Issue Editors: Kiyoshi Ogura and Takashi Okudera
Masahisa Nishizono
Kiyoshi Ogura
How I Became a Psychoanalyst: An Journey in Quest of the Truth
Toyoaki Ogawa Continue reading Announcing Psychoanalytic Inquiry 36:2: Psychoanalysis in Japan
Differential activity of subgenual cingulate and brainstem in panic disorder and PTSD
Click Here to Read: Differential activity of subgenual cingulate and brainstem in panic disorder and PTSD by Oliver Tueschera,Xenia Protopopescua Hong Pana, Marylene Cloitre, Tracy Butlera, Martin Goldsteina, James C. Roota, Almut Engeliena,Daniella Furmana, Michael Silvermana, Yihong Yanga, Jack Gormani, Joseph LeDouxh, David Silbersweiga, Emily Sterna in Journal of Anxiety Disorders 25 (2011) 251–257.
Psychoanalytic Inquiry: Volume 36 Number 2 2016
The Poverty of Arms Race Thinking

Click Here To Read: The Poverty of Arms Race Thinking: A Review of Mind at War: Nuclear Reality and Inner Conflicts of Defense Policy Makers by Steve Kull, Reviewed by Robert Holt.
This Article originally appeared as Holt, Robert (1989). The Poverty of Arms Race Thinking: A Review of Mind at War: Nuclear Reality and Inner Conflicts of Defense Policy Makers by Steve Kull. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 177(9): 507-510 and appears here with all requisite rights and permissions.