CITY WITHIN A CITY Book Launch Live Recording!

Click Here to Purchase: City Winin a City from IPBooksNY Book Launch for CITY WITHIN A CITY
 by Basia Temkin-Berman First English  Translation!

Click links below to hear live audio recordings made at the book-launch event on  March 2, 2012 in New York City (cosponsored by IPBooks & YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.)

1. Jonathan Brent, Director of YIVO, Introduction

2. Dr. Emanuel Berman, author’s son, editor, and psychoanalyst

3. Samuel Kassow, historian, author of Who Will Write our History?

4. Leon Hoffman, psychoanalyst, book-dedication to Leon Kupferstein (introduced by Dr. Berman)

5. Aviva Blumberg, Child-survivor of Warsaw Ghetto, saved by Basia Berman (introduced by Dr. Berman)

6. Arnold Richards, psychonalyst, closing remarks

City Within a City was the secret diary written in Polish in 1944 when Basia (Batya) and her husband Adolf-Abraham Berman, lived on the Aryan side of Warsaw—the part designated by the Nazis for Polish Christians only—and led a secret network helping thousands of Jews to hide and survive.

“I would like to describe this state within a state, or rather, a city within a city, this most underground of all underground communities, whose members met with each other, worked and talked in the midst of a population which didn’t suspect anything; where every street, every coffee shop, every tram stop called to mind dozens of unique adventures. Every name was false, every word that was uttered carried a double meaning, and every telephone conversation was more encrypted than the secret diplomatic documents of embassies.”
—Basia Berman

This unique and historically important book may be purchased at our bookstore by
clicking here: City Within a Cityor

Filling in the painful spaces by Ilany Kogan

Filling in the painful spaces

N. Szajnberg, MD, Managing Editor         

Ilany Kogan, writes about holes: voids, memory-erased spaces of open-mouthed silent screams.  She presents cases of children or grandchildren of those who survived the Holocaust, documenting how their psychic holes are populated, filled in with unconscious fantasies, enacted in their lives.

Her work, as you will read here or in her books, is pains-taking:  she absorbs the pains, metabolizes them, and

Figure 2 Berlin Jewish Museum Memory Void Continue reading Filling in the painful spaces by Ilany Kogan

Serving up a blast from a Yiddish-writing past

Click Here to Read:  Serving up a blast from a Yiddish-writing past.  On the occasion of her 100th birthday, American author Bel  Kaufman, granddaughter of Sholem Aleichem, summons up personal memories of the life of the illustrious Yiddish writer By Tamar Rotem on the Haaretz website on September 28, 2011.

Bel Kaufman

Click Here to Read:  Filmmaker’s legwork leads to the real Sholem Aleichem on this website.

Click Here to Read: Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness on this website.