Invite for Signs of Life Play/Musical in Prague, IPA


Click Here to Read:  A PDF of the Invitation.

For those going to Prague, a special invitation to attend a play/musical about the concentration camp Terezin (outside of Prague) and about the art and music that those imprisoned created and used to keep their spirits alive even as the trains daily carried adults and children to their deaths in Auschwitz.

See the invitation below and open the attachment for the full description. Tickets will be on sale at the IPA but you can reserve space by contacting Charles Hanly (Tuesday) and Stefano Bolognini (Friday) introduce and discussions include Ilany Kogan (Tuesday) and Batya Monder (Friday) with Nancy Goodman and Marilyn Meyers facilitating discussion with audience. We hope to see you!!! Continue reading Invite for Signs of Life Play/Musical in Prague, IPA

This Week at YIVO: “Rise Up! Revolution or Class Mobility”

YIVO2THURSDAY 13 JUNE 2013 | 6:30pm
Rise Up! Revolution or Class Mobility: Anglo-Yiddish Poems and Songs as Agents of Political Debate 1884-1914

Presented by Vivi Lachs (University of London)
Moderated by Itzik Gottesman (Associate Editor, Forward – Yiddish Edition)

Admission: Free Continue reading This Week at YIVO: “Rise Up! Revolution or Class Mobility”