Mujeres Y El Cine: Film Program in Spanish on Public Television

Temas de Cine
Un programa de Fernando Martín Peña y Fabio Manes

Del 22 al 25 de Agosto

 Lunes a jueves 0:00 hs

Traumas, sueños, recuerdos encubridores, pulsiones latentes y deseos reprimidos: el material propicio para recostarse en el diván y asociar libremente… o para disfrutar de la semana que FILMOTECA dedica al PSICOANALISIS. Continue reading Mujeres Y El Cine: Film Program in Spanish on Public Television

“Rashomon”: The Analyst Who Came in from the Rain

Some of the best psychoanalytic work in film comes in odd forms: a successful child therapy performed by a dead psychologist (The Sixth Sense see July, 2011);  a good analytic hour  in which the analyst was a cannibalistic psychiatrist locked in a cage (The Silence of the Lambs see June, 2011). But perhaps the most unusual example is that of a relatively successful one session psychoanalytic psychotherapy conducted in medieval Japan in an abandoned temple during a rainstorm. Continue reading “Rashomon”: The Analyst Who Came in from the Rain

David Michalek: Portraits in Dramatic Time

Click Here to View Website: David Michalek: Portraits in Dramatic Time.

I attended Paul Ekman’s discussion of emotion in Portraits In Dramatic Time, the video display on the face of the Koch Theatre in Lincoln center Plaza (until July 31). H

The discussion panel included David Michalek, the portrait artist who conceived the pieces and three of the actors in the display, including Sarita Chowdry of Mississippi Masala and other movies. Continue reading David Michalek: Portraits in Dramatic Time

What is “The Sixth Sense”?

What is The Sixth Sense? A film with that title promises to reveal an additional human awareness. In fact, it provides two versions of that awareness, one in its “manifest content,” the other latent, and both are surprises.

I became interested in The Sixth Sense when I noticed that a number of patients and acquaintances were commenting on it. Many were simply confused; but two patients described important affective reactions to particular moments in the film.

The Sixth Sense should be of some interest to psychoanalysts because its central action is a psychotherapy. The therapist is a child psychologist who is Continue reading What is “The Sixth Sense”?