Click Here to View: Trailer for the Film Jimmy P: Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian on YouTube.
Click Here to Read: Movies Monday: Jimmy P: Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian on this website.
Click Here to Read: The 10 best screen psychoanalysts: From Hannibal Lecter to Frasier Crane, psychoanalyst Anouchka Grose chooses her 10 favourite celluloid shrinks by Anouchka Grose on the Guardian website on June 12, 2010.
Lorraine Bracco as Dr Melfi with James Gandolfini’s Tony Soprano in The Sopranos. Photograph: Everett Collection/Rex Feature
by Herbert H. Stein
Let’s talk about the new Star Wars movie. After all, for a while everyone else was.
In a now mildly famous controversy, the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, told Charlie Rose “They wanted to do a retro movie. I don’t like that. Every movie I work very hard to make them completely different, with different plan- ets, with different spaceships, make it new.” In a later TV interview on CBS, he apologized, saying, “The issue was ultimately, they looked at the stories and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans.’ People don’t actually realize it’s actually a soap opera and it’s all about family problems-it’s not about space- ships. So they decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing so I decided, ‘Fine … I’ll go my way and I let them go their way.’” Continue reading “Star Wars VII”: Nostalgia and Repetition A Long Time Ago …
Click Here to Read: All Holocaust Movies Doomed to Fail? Defying fictionalization, the Shoah “builds a border around itself,” Claude Lanzmann said. Is he right? by Dan Kagan-Kans on the Mosaic website on March 28, 2016.
Click Here to Purchase and Read About: Never Again: Echoes of the Holocaust as Understood Through Films by Sylvia Ginsparg on
From Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah, 1985.