Myth Memory and Meaning: Psychoanaltytic Reflections on Treating Combat Veterans in Time of Hidden War

Myth Memory and Meaning: Psychoanaltytic Reflections on Treating Combat Veterans in Time of Hidden War by Martha Bragin. Presented at the IPA 2011 Mexico Congress.

This paper will use the situation of combat veterans in the US as a case study with which to discuss the ways in which split off derivatives of the aggressive drive are enacted in the world and re-enacted as symptoms when complicity in political violence is denied.

Martha Bragin

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Different ‘Scopes for Different Folks: The Unconscious(es) Appear(s) in Mexico

Click Here to Read: Different ‘Scopes for Different Folks: The Unconscious(es) Appear(s) in Mexico by Nathan Szajnberg, MD on August 8, 2011.

Click Here to Read:  Major panel: The unconscious by Werner Bohleber. 7th IPA Congress, Mexico City, 2011.

Click Here to Read: Giuseppe Civitarese: Response to original quesiton from the Panel on the Unconscious,   7th IPA Congress, Mexico City, 2011.

IPA 2011 Mexico Congress Panel on The Unconscious

Papers from the IPA 2011 Mexico Congress Panel on The Unconscious
Chair: Adela Escardó (Peru) Panellists: Giuseppe Civitarese (Ita); Jorge Maldonado (Arg); Miguel Kolteniuk Krauze (Mex); Werner Bohleber (Ger)

Click Here to Read: Giuseppe Civitarese: Response to original question.

Click Here to Read: Jorge Maldonado: Response to original question.

 Giuseppe Civitarese       Werner Bohleber

 Click Here to Read:  Miguel Kolteniuk Krauze: Response to original question.

Click Here to Read:  Miguel Kolteniuk Krauze: Long summary of panel presentation

Click Here to Read: Werner Bohleber: Response to original question. 


IPA 2011 Mexico Congress Panel on Sexuality

Papers from the IPA 2011 Mexico Congress Panel on Sexuality
Chair: Mariam Alizade (Arg) Panellists: Björn Salomonsson (Swe); Luis Kancyper (Arg); Nancy Kulish (USA)

Click Here to Read: Björn Salomonsson: Response to original question. 

Click Here to Read: Björn Salomonsson: Long summary of panel presentation.

Björn Salomonsson    Luis Kancyper         Nancy Kulish

Click Here to Read:  Luis Kancyper: Response to original question 

Click Here to Read:  Luis Kancyper: Long summary of panel presentation.

Click Here to Read:  Nancy Kulish: Response to original question.

Click Here to Read: Nancy Kulish: Long summary of panel presentation.

IPA 2011 Mexico Congress Panel on Dreams

Papers from the  IPA 2011 Mexico Congress Panel on Dreams / Los sueños
Chair: Gertraud Schlesinger-Kipp (Ger) Panellists: Elias da Rocha Barros (Bra); Fred Pine (USA); Harold Blum (USA); Luis Martin Cabré (Spa)
Click Here to Read:  Elias da Rocha Barros: Response to original question.

Click Here to Read: Elias da Rocha Barros: Further response to original question.

Elias Dr Rocha Barros               Harold Blum

Click Here to Read: Harold Blum: Response to original question.

Click Here to Read: Luis J. Martin Cabré: Response to original question.