Leo Hurwitz Filmography Tuesday: The Young Fighter

Click Here to Read: The Young Fighter: A Reality Film 1953: Who Does Ray Drake Belong To? by Dr. Sandra E. Cohen on her Characters on the Couch Blog on November 20, 2017,

Click Here to Read: Leo Hurwitz’s The Young Fighter And How the Film Inspired the Rise of Cinéma Vérité By Manfred Kirchheimer with Edits By Tom Hurwitz on Sandra E. Cohen’s Characters on the Couch Blog on Nopvember 20, 2017.

Leo Hurwitz Filmography Tuesday: Pioneer In The Beginnings Of America’s Documentary Film – Part 3 Leo’s History: A Radical Filmmaker In The Making

Click Here to Read: Leo Hurwitz: Pioneer In The Beginnings Of America’s Documentary Film – Part 3 Leo’s History: A Radical Filmmaker In The Making by Dr. Sandra E. Cohen on her Characters on the Couch blog on Octocber 16, 2017.

Click Here to View: Leo Hurwitz in 1961: The Roots of a Radical Filmmaker – Part 1 A presentation by Tom Hurwitz, award-winning cinematographer and Leo’s son on the UCLA Near Eastern Studies website on February 22, 2009.