Leo Rangell, President IPA 1969–1973 Honorary President 1997 to Present

Click Here to Read: The titles of Leo Rangell’s Papers on the PEP CD Rom.

Click Here To Read: Head Case: Can psychiatry be a science? by Louis Menand in the New Yorker on March 1, 2010.

Click Here to Read: : ALUMNI UPDATES: Examining the Legacy of Dr. Leo Rangell ’33 on the Columbia College Today Website May/June 2006.

Click Here To Read: Letter by Leo Rangell in response to Louis Menand’s New Yorker article.

Click Here to View: Leo Rangell Narrating an Announcement for the IPA Centenary on this website.

Click Here to Listen To:  Leo Rangell’s “On Psychoanalysis and Freedom” on this website. 

Click Here to View:  Leo Rangell’s Music in the Head on this website.

Click Here To Read:  What Did He Do? By Dr. Leo Rangell  on the Huffington Post website on October 11, 2009.

Click Here To Read:  Catalogue of Cassette Tapes from Leo Rangell Continue reading Leo Rangell, President IPA 1969–1973 Honorary President 1997 to Present

Call for Papers for the Psicanalise Journal

Porto Alegre, April 14, 2010.

Dear Colleagues,

 The PSICANÁLISE Journal, published by the Brazilian Psychoanalytical Society of Porto Alegre, will have two special issues dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) in 2010. To celebrate this important milestone, we would like to invite you to be part of our history by submitting an article addressing this topic to our Editorial Committee (E-mail to: sbppabib@terra.com.br).

The deadline for the submission of articles to be published in the first 2010 issue is April 26. For the second 2010 issue, the submission deadline is October 1.

Helena Surreaux