Click Here to Read: The Real Danger of Trump’s Nuclear Policy Isn’t Armageddon: The president may not stumble into a nuclear war, but he’s setting the stage for a new era of proliferation BY Jeet Heer on the New Republic Website on October 24, 2017.
Click Here to Read: Soviet Ghosts Vacation in Santiago: An émigré travels in Chile with his wife and daughters By Maxim D. Shrayer on the Tablet website on October 26, 2017.
Click Here to Read: Why Do American Jews Idealize Soviet Communism?: Perpetuating the romance of the Bolshevik regime, whose ‘good intentions’ cannot mask the horrors imposed in its name By Ruth R. Wisse on the Tablet Website on October 22, 2017.
Click Here to Read: The Risk of Nuclear War with North Korea: On the ground in Pyongyang: Could Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump goad each other into a devastating confrontation? By Evan Osnos in The New Yorker Magazine in the September 18, 2017 Issue.
Click Here to Read: Voice-Only Communication Enhances Empathic Accuracy by Michael W. Kraus in the American Psychologist 2017, Vol. 72, No. 7, 644–654.
Click Here to Read: Donald Trump: Presidential Disability, Competence and The 25th Amendment by Stephanie Brandt MD on the Medium website on May 7, 2017,
Click Here to Read: Who Knew Trump Would Be a Weak President? He campaigned with a lot of swagger. But his first nine months in office have been defined by indecision, vacillation, and a reluctance to call shots BY Elizazbeth Drew in The New Republic on October 26, 2017.
Click Here to Read: Why Did Russian Jews Support The Bolshevik Revolution?: 100 years ago today the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd By Michael Stanislawski on the Tablet Website on October 24, 2017.