NEA, NEH, and Smithsonian Would Lose Millions in Funding in House Appropriations Committee Bill

Click Here to Read: NEA, NEH, and Smithsonian Would Lose Millions in Funding in House Appropriations Committee Bill
The Committee’s Interior and Environment Appropriations bill now goes before the Senate, where a final federal budget for 2018 will be hammered out in the coming months by Benjamin Sutton on the HyperAllergic Website on July 18, 2017.


The Virtual Psychoanalytic Museum Season II video

We invite you to view a video of selected highlights from the 2016-2017 season’s exhibits in the Virtual Psychoanalytic Museum.

We hope that these artistic displays of music, art, and photography applied to our field will whet your appetite and lead you to explore the entire museum online.  Click to enter the museum and explore on your own.
Our museum team is very grateful to work with such wonderful guest curators, presenters and artists, which in this season include: guest curators Jane S. Hall and Beth Reese, presenter Maxine Nelson, and artists Ittai Shapira, Shahid Najeeb, Terrance McLarnan, and Kamila Ženatá.
Nancy Goodman, Museum Director
Batya Monder, Marilyn Meyers, and Paula Ellman, Curators
Arnold Richards, Publisher (IPbooks)
Devra Hall Levy, Producer/Webmaster