Announcing a new book series with Routledge PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOANALYSIS BOOK SERIES
JON MILLS Series Editor: Philosophy & Psychoanalysis is dedicated to current developments and cutting edge
research inthe philosophical sciences, phenomenology, hermeneutics, existentialism, logic,semiotics, cultural studies, social criticism, and the humanities that engage and enrich psychoanalytic thought through
philosophical rigor. With the philosophical turn in psychoanalysis comes a new era of theoretical research that revisits past paradigms while invigorating new approaches to theoretical, historical, contemporary, and applied psychoanalysis. No subject or discipline is immune from psychoanalytic reflection within a philosophical context including psychology, sociology,anthropology, politics, the arts, religion, science, culture, physics, and the nature
of morality. Philosophical approaches to psychoanalysis may stimulate new areas of knowledge that have Continue reading Announcing Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Book Series