1990: An Imperfect Psychoanalyst Commits Suicide


Click Here to Read: This Day in Jewish History 1990: An Imperfect Psychoanalyst Commits Suicide: Psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim won acclaim for his work with children, and his posthumously discrediting was only partly deserved by David B. Green on The Haaretz website on March 13, 2016.

Click Here to Read: After death, what’s learned: Fisher on Bettelheim (and Ekstein), review of Bettelheim: Living and Dying by David James Fisher, Reviewed by Nathan Szajnberg on this website.

Image from: the www.buchenwald.de website. Continue reading 1990: An Imperfect Psychoanalyst Commits Suicide

New from IPBooks: Quantum Psychoanlysis by Gerald Gargiulo

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New From from IPBooks: Quantum Psychoanalysis: Essays on Physics, Mind, and and Analysis Today by Gerald J. Gargiulo.

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Readers of Quantum Psychoanalysis will find fresh perspectives on the therapeutic processes that define contemporary clinical treatment. As readers engage with Gargiulo’s use of metaphors from quantum physics they will discover potentialities for new metapsychological insights, moving psychoanalytic theory closer to 21st century science. (from the Foreword)
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Gerald J. Gargiulo dares to go where no other psychoanalyst has gone before. In this collection of essays, he introduces a new world, namely, the interface between quantum physics and the unconscious. Offering a highly Continue reading New from IPBooks: Quantum Psychoanlysis by Gerald Gargiulo

Interpretation: Freud’s Specific or Relevant Action,and Klein’s Point of Urgency” with Chris Mawson at UPMS

Interpretation: Freud’s Specific or Relevant Action,and Klein’s Point of Urgency”
Chris Mawson
presented by
Understanding Primitive Mental States
Friday, May 1, 2015

To speak or not to speak; and if we intervene in the patient’s associations, on what should we focus our interpretation, and in what terms? What role does anxiety play in such decisions? How can we speak more to the point? Continue reading Interpretation: Freud’s Specific or Relevant Action,and Klein’s Point of Urgency” with Chris Mawson at UPMS

Available Now! Below the Line in Beijing by Richard Seldin from IPBooks.net

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Below the Line in Beijing is a provocative exploration of love, psychoanalysis, dissociative mental states and male sexuality. Without apparent cause, the novel’s protagonist, a 61 year-old attorney and former track star, awakens next to his wife in his Baltimore home unable to speak.  He questions whether his sudden muteness is due to loss of sexual desire for his wife, but this isn’t new. For several years, he’s been undergoing a second psychoanalysis to understand his physical indifference to her as well as powerful fantasies about hooking-up with young women.  These fantasies have intensified following the appearance of Jim, his alter ego. Continue reading Available Now! Below the Line in Beijing by Richard Seldin from IPBooks.net

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