Claudio Eizerik’s Opening Remarks at the the Berlin Conference of IPA



Click Here To Listen To: Claudio Eizerik’s Opening Remarks at the Berlin Conference of IPA on July 25th, 2007.

Click Here to Listen To: Sidor Belarsky Singing the Partisan Hymm in Yiddish.  The song is number 6 on the album. 

Click Here To Read the Poem: The Partisan Hymm in Yiddish and English.   

Click Here to Hear:  The Partisan Hymm as sung by Sidor Belarksy.  It is number six on the menu. 



More on In Treatment


Click Here for Review: “Gabriel Byrne Can Fix Your Problems in 30 Minutes” by Gillian Reagan of In Treatment in The New York Observer.

Click Here for Review: of In Treatment in the Chicago Tribune.

Click Here for: In Treament: Reviewers Speak and  Viewers Respond

Click Here for: “Here Listens, He Cares, He Isn’t Real” Review of In Treatment in the New York Times On February 28th. 

Click Here to Read: “Therapy professionals put HBO’s ‘In Treatment’ on the couch ” Review of In Treatment in the Los Angeles Times on February 29th.

Click Here to Register: for Symposium 2008

All In the Mind by Lisa Appignanesi


                         Jean-Paul Sartre and  Lisa Appignanesi

Click Here to Read:  All in the Mind by Lisa Appignanesi on the Guardian Website. 

 The closing paragraph of Lisa Appignanesi’s book review essay may get you interested in her thoughtful musings on psychoanalysis’ position in the world of letters.
    “Perhaps the decision of Hanif Kureishi and Salley Vickers to place an analyst at the centre of their new novels reflects a change in psychoanalysis itself. Under attack from drug therapies and versions of the talking cure which offer quick fixes, the analyst has become less dangerous to the writer. As Ian McEwan noted in On Chesil Beach, for at least three decades we have inhabited a psychoanalytic climate in which it is “customary to regard oneself in everyday terms as an enigma, as an exercise in narrative history, or as a problem to be solved”. It is time for the vying over the terrain of the imagination and the psyche between artist and analyst to cease. Both, after all, as Kureishi writes of Jamal, are “readers of minds and signs”. They work with the “underneath or understory: fantasies, wishes, lies, dreams, nightmares – the world beneath the world, the true stories beneath the false”.”
     A nice piece of journalism . . . perhaps worthy of recognition? Her book on Freud’s Women, co-authored with John Forrester, is also worth a look. She has a new book that is about to appear under the provocative title of “Mad, Bad and Sad: Women and the Mind Doctors.”
Paul Brinich

— The New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute — Open House for Prospective Candidates

The New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
247 East Eighty-Second Street, New York, New York 10028

Open House for Prospective Candidates

Thursday, March 13, 2008, 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Supper at 90 Riverside Drive #4B
(At the corner of 81st. St. and Riverside Drive)

Join us for supper at our Open House and bring your interest and questions about our psychoanalytic training programs in Adult and Child/Adolescent Psychoanalysis.  You will hear presentations from our faculty, candidates and recent graduates. Continue reading — The New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute — Open House for Prospective Candidates

Freud and the Freudians, Jung and The Jungians, During the Thirties and the Nazi Regime by Thomas Aichhorn, Christian Gaillard, Alain Gibeault, Jörg Rasche


Freud and the Freudians, Jung and The Jungians During the Thirties and the Nazi Regime an IPA/IAAP panel ncluding the presenters Thomas Aichhorn, Christian Gaillard, Alain Gibeault, Jörg Rasche at the 45th International IPA Congress in Berlin, 25-28 July 2007  on the theme “Remembering, repeating and working through in Psychoanalysis and Culture today.”

Click Here to Read: Introduction by Christian Gaillard and Alain Gibeault

Click Here to Read: Jörg Rasche’s Contribution

Click Here to Read: Thomas Aichhorn’s Contribution

Inside HBO’s “In Treatment”


Click Here to Listen to: Inside HBO’s “In Treatment,” An Interview with Rodrigo Garcia, executive producer, director, and writer of HBO’s “In Treatment,” Blair Underwood, an actor, he plays the role of Alex, an arrogant Navy pilot who mistakenly bombed an Iraqi madrassa, killing innocent students, and Dr. Glenn O. Gabbard, professor of psychiatry and psychoanalysis at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, author of “The Psychology of the Sopranos” and “Psychiatry and the Cinema.” on the radio show On Point on, Boston’s NPR station.

Click Here to Read: “Shrink Rap” a review of HBO’s In Treatment by Chris DeVille, on the Website Columbus Alive, the Website of the Columbus Dispatch.

Click Here to Read: 25 Reviews of the HBO’s In Treatment and comments from members of our community.

Click Here to Register for Symposium 2008, where there will be a showing of an episode of the original Israeli show on which In Treatment is based, “BiTipul.”