Poems by Alicia Ostriker

Click here to Read: “Poems Making  Poems: A Program of Poetry and Psychoanalysis,” an article on reprinted from The American Psychoanalyst on the blog: Hear, Hear, Occasional Posts on Poetry and Psychoanalysis

aliciacropweb1.jpgAs promised, we are beginning National Poetry Month with the first of our Monday poetry pages. Today it’s our honor and privilege to offer three poems by world-renowned poet and critic Alicia Ostriker. Twice nominated for the National Book Award and winner of many other prestigious awards, Ostriker is the author of eleven volumes of poetry, the latest of which is No Heaven. Her critical works include, most

Alicia Ostriker 

notably, Writing Like a Woman and Stealing the Language: The Emergence of Women’s Poetry in America. She has also written a number of books on the Bible, most recent of which is For the Love of God: The Bible as an Open Book.

Alicia Ostriker’s gracious response to our invitation brings us the first publication of a new poem, “To Persephone,” as well as two previously published ones she has personally selected for the interest of our readers.

Irene Willis
Poetry Editor Continue reading Poems by Alicia Ostriker

Arnold Richards and Stephen Mitchell Round Robin Exchange

mitchell1.jpgarnie-bw-3.jpg Click Here to Read: Arnold Richards’s Article: “Squeaky Chairs and Straw Persons: An Intervention in the Contemporary Psychoanalytic Debate” and also “A Reply To Richards” by Stephen Mitchell on page 6 on the document in the Winter 1999 Issue (Volume XIV, no. 1) of the Round Robin Newsletter of Division 39 of the American Psychological Assocation.

Click Here to Read: Responses to the Mitchell and Richards Debate from: Frank Summers, Arlene Kramer Richards, Sharon Zalusky, Sheldon Goodman, Mary Beth Cresci, Emmanuel Ghent, and replies from Arnold Richards and Stephen Mitchell in the Summer 1999 Issue (Volume XIV, no. 2) of the Round Robin Newsletter of Division 39 of the American Psychological Assocation.

Click here to Read: Responses from Arthur Lynch and Janet Bachant, Emmanuel Ghent, Frank Summers, David S. MacIssac, Spros D. Orfanos, and a last word from Arnold D. Richards Fall 1999 Issue (Volume XIV, no. e) of the Round Robin Newsletter of Division 39 of the American Psychological Assocation.

Margaret S. Mahler Symposium on Child Development: Dishonesty, Lying, and Inauthenticity: Developmental, Clinical, and Socio-Cultural Aspects

The Margaret S. Mahler Psychiatric Research Foundation
254 Kent Road
Wynnewood, PA  19096
(610) 645-5524

3 April 2008

The Margaret S. Mahler Psychiatric Research Foundation is pleased to  invite all psychoanalytic candidates to attend the 39th Margaret S.  Mahler Symposium on Child Development on Saturday, April 26, 2008.   This year’s topic is:  Dishonesty, Lying, and Inauthenticity:   Developmental, Clinical, and Socio-Cultural Aspects.

The admission fee will be provided through the generosity of Dr.  Michael Vergare and the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior of  Jefferson Medical College along with a donation from Dr. Kenneth  Chatelaine’s Estate.  Dr. Chatelaine was particularly interested in  the research on development by Dr. Mahler. Continue reading Margaret S. Mahler Symposium on Child Development: Dishonesty, Lying, and Inauthenticity: Developmental, Clinical, and Socio-Cultural Aspects

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program Informational Session at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

247 East Eighty-Second Street, between 2nd & 3rd

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program

Informational Session  

Thursday, April 24, 2008, 7-8 p.m.

Understand Theory to Improve Practice
Supervision with Experienced Analysts
Case Conferences
Optional Child/Adolescent Track
Evening Classes
2 Year Program

Please RSVP
admasst@nypsa.org or 212-879-6900

For information about our training programs please visit us at: www.psychoanalysis.org

Charles Brenner at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

247 East Eighty-Second Street, between 2nd & 3rd 
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 8:15 p.m.

Charles Brenner, M.D. will speak about Aspects of Psychoanalytic Theory:  Drives, Defense, and the Pleasure Principle.  Arnold Rothstein, M.D. will be the discussant.

 Join us for light refreshments from 7:30 to 8 p.m.

 For information about our training programs please visit us at: www.psychoanalysis.org