Florida Project: How A (Seemingly) Happy Life Can Shatter

Click Here to Read: Florida Project: How A (Seemingly) Happy Life Can Shatter Review by Dr. Sandra E. Cohen on her Characters on the Couch blog on November 9, 2017.

Click Here to Read:  The Florida Project Is One of 2017’s Best Films: Sean Baker’s follow-up to Tangerine includes career-best work from Willem Dafoe and a breakout performance by 7-year-old Brooklynn Prince by David Sims in The Atlantic Monthly on October 5, 2017. Continue reading Florida Project: How A (Seemingly) Happy Life Can Shatter

Two Commentaries on Adam Phillips by David James Fisher

Click Here to Read: Spontaneous Remarks on Adam Phillips’ “Winnicott’s Magic: ‘Playing and Reality’ and  Reality” Shutters On the Beach, October 28, 2017 By David James Fisher, Ph.D.

Click Here to Read: Comments on Adam Phillips’ “Conversion Hysteria: Believe it or Not” Stoller Memorial Lecture, , New Center for Psychoanalysis, October 26, 2017 By David James Fisher, Ph.D.

New Study Group: In Dark Times, Freud’s and Ours at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association: New Study Group: In Dark Times, Freud’s and Ours
FIRST MEETING: Sunday, November 19, 2017, 1-2:30 pm. We will meet every 3 weeks.

In these dark times, “the light of the public obscures everything” (Heidegger). The refuge that psychoanalysis provided in Freud’s time against the public exposure of everyday life is all the more crucial today given the encroachment of mediatized lives accompanied by the persistent demand to program “a life of one’s own”. Fortunately, the unconscious has no biography and it is unnecessary to sacrifice the truths of desire encountered in an analysis for trumped-up stories. This study group will explore writers, beginning with Freud who, unable to live with what passes for politics, embark upon a journey of psychical emigration and travel through political landscapes, making of writing a political act. We will be particularly interested in the writings of exiles and extra-territorials such as Hannah Arendt, Joseph Roth, Norman Manea, and Czeslaw Milosz as well as post-war French thinkers including Lacan, Derrida, Lyotard and Blanchot.

Location: 201 W. 77th street (corner of Amsterdam Avenue), suite15D.

While attendance is free, registration is required. Please contact Salvatore F. Guido at sfrguido@gmail.com or 212 229 0811 for details and to register.