: The Iconoclastic Kinship of Kiefer and Rodin

Click Here to Read:  The Iconoclastic Kinship of Kiefer and Rodin: In the new exhibition Kiefer Rodin, Anselm Kiefer draws a straight line between himself and the grand old man of French sculpture by Thomas Micchelli on the HyperAllergic website on November 24,2017.
Monumenta @ Le Grand Palai: Monumenta 2007 – Anselm Kiefer exhibition at the Grand Palais, Paris. France Robin Berjon from Paris, France. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Le Penseur at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor by Yair Haklai. Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Eros, Love and Dread in the Transference at WCSPP

Scientific Meeting: 2 CE Hours available for LCSW’s, LMSW’s, LP’s, LMFT’s
On Touch: Analytic Mendacity and Prohibition, Sue Grand, Ph.D. Talking Sex and Talking About Sex, Galit Atlas, Ph.D. Discussant: Adrienne Harris, Ph.D.
Friday, December 8, 2017, 8:00 p.m.. Suggested contribution: $20 Admission with CE: $30

Community Unitarian Church
468 Rosedale Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
Continue reading Eros, Love and Dread in the Transference at WCSPP

The Golden Age of the Illustrated Book Dust Jacket

Click Here to Read:  The Golden Age of the Illustrated Book Dust Jacket: The Illustrated Dust Jacket, 1920-1970 chronicles the rise of the book dust jacket from disposable object to a creative platform for publishing design by Allison Meier on the HyperAllergic website on November 22, 3017.

Cover to Myopia: A Memior by Phyllis M Skoy, designed by Kathy Kovacic.
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