Financial Markets and Their Discontents

Please join us for this exciting and timely presentation at the APsaA Winter Meetings:

The Committee on Organizational and Corporate Consultation is sponsoring the workshop: Financial Markets and Their Discontents.
Friday, January 15,2010 2-4PM

The workshop will focus on the financial crisis of 2008, and on an understanding of  asset bubbles from a psychoanalytic point of view.

David Tuckett, MA, MSc. an economist and Training and Supervising Analyst in the British Psychoanalytic Society will present his current research in the new field of emotional finance: applying psychoanalytic thinking to the understanding of financial markets.

An additional psychoanalytic perspective on the economic meltdown will be presented by

David Sachs M.D., Training and Supervising Analyst, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
Laura Huggler, Ph.D. & Steven S. Rolfe M.D.
Committee on Corporate & Organizational Consultation