Dr. Horst Kaechele in New York

kaechele.jpgI am posting this announcement on behalf of Dr. Horst Kaechele who has come to New York City this week to teach at the William Alanson White Institute and attend the APsaA meetings. If you are at the meetings you can seek him out for a discussion of his research work in Ulm, Germany.

To make an appointment, please email me or call: 212-787-1068

Dr Kaechele offers the entire text (in English,German, Italian and Russian) of the two volume work “Psychoanalytic Practice” by Thomae and Kaechele to students in all disciplines and at all levels of experience, including our members interested in this significant work now published in over a dozen languages.

Judith S. Schachter
Click here to Read and Download this work.

We have realized that the country designation for the United States (a necessity for signing the guest book) was in German. Since that discouraged me (Judy) we have arranged for a change to U.S.A. as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies.

First, go to www.horstkaechele.de
Sign the guest book, and include your email address.
You will receive, within a day, a password to be used to access the texts. Then you are free to go to Ulm Text book and read and download at will.

Remember your password for further access to this site.

Judith S. Schachter

Here is the Table of Contents of Dr. Horst Kaechele’s book:

-Psychoanalysis: the Current State
2-Transference and Relationship
5-Interpretation of Dreams
6-The Initial Interview and the Latent Presence of Third Parties
8-Means, Ways, and Goals
9-The Psychoanalytic Process
10-Relationship Between Theory and Practice

Volume 2- Clinical Studies
1-Case Histories and Treatment Reports
2- Transference and Relationship
4- Resistence
5- Interpretation of Dreams
6- From the Initial Interview to Therapy
7- Rules
8- Means, Ways, and Goals
9-The Psychoanalytic Process: Treatment and Results
10-Special Topics