Trump’s mental health: ‘The elephant in the room’

Click Here to View:   Trump’s mental health: ‘The elephant in the room’: As psychologists and psychiatrists continue to warn about President Trump’s mental health, the Columbia Journalism Review called Trump’s mental health “the elephant in the room. Lee Siegel, who wrote the CJR column, and Dr. Lance Dodes join Lawrence on the MSNBC News Wesbite on February 23, 2017.

Click Here to View:  Mental health experts say Trump is unfit to serve: Some psychologists and psychiatrists are speaking out about Trump because of a duty to warn. Lawrence talks to two experts with this view: Dr. Lance Dodes and Dr. John Gartner, whose online petition of mental health professionals has more than 26,000 signatures on the MSNBC News Wesbite on February 21, 2017.