Psychology Sunday: Marvin Hurvich


Click Here to Read: Table of Contents and Preface by Norbert  Freedman from Another Kind of Evidence, a book by Norbert Freedman, Marvin Hurvich, & Rhonda Ward With Jesse D. Geller & Joan Hoffenberg, published in 2011 by Karnac Books.

Click Here to Read: The front matter and introductrion from A New Freudian Synthesis, a book with contributions by Sheldon Bach, Andrew B. Druck, Carolyn Ellman, Jay Frankel, Norbert Freedman, Marvin Hurvich, Gil A. Katz, Mary Libbey, Michel Talby-Abarbanel, Aaron Thaler, & Neal Vorus.

Click Here to Read:  Psychic Trauma, Annihilation Anxieties and Psychodynamic Treatment by Marvin Hurvich, Ph.d. For New Orleans APA Panel “Trauma: Obvious and Hidden: Possibilities for Treatment on the American Psychological Association website.

Click Here to Read:  Tribute to Bert Freedman (1923-2011) by Marvin Hurvich on the website.

Click Here to Read: Living with Terror, Working with Trauma: A Clinician’s Handbook Edited by Danielle Knafo
Reviewed by By Henry Krystal, M.D. on the Michigan Psychoanalytic Society website.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Psychology Sunday on this website.


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