Psychology Sunday: Susan Blackmore


Click Here to Read:  Susan Blackmore on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: Memes and “temes” Ted Talk with Susan Blackmore on the Ted Talks Website in 2008.

Click Here to Read: A hundred walked out of my lecture by Sue Blackmore on the Richard Dawkins Foundation website on August 18, 2014.

Click Here to Read: Dr. Susan Blackmore’s Near-Death Experience Research on the Near website.

Click Here to Read: You Can Copy Off Me: According to the author, cultural elements known as memes help explain human nature, Review of The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore, Reviewed by Robert Wright in The New York Times on April 25, 1999.

Click Here to Read: Goodbye to a not-so-good scientist: Though she was successful and dynamic, the Royal Institution is better off without Susan Greenfield’s unfounded claims by Sue Blackmore on the Guardian website on January 12, 2010.

Click Here to Read: Articles by Susan Blackmore on the Guardian website.

Click Here to Read: Review of: The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore, Reviewed by Liane Gabora on the JASSS website.

Click Here to Read: Review of Susan Blackmore: Consciousness: An Introduction, Reviewed by William Seager in PSYCHE 11 (4), May 2005.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Psychology Sunday on this Website.