DG#36: Supervising Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: A Unique Experience, a Unique Skill

Wednesday, January 16 7:30-10:00 PM at the APsaA meetings at the Waldorf Astoria

Co-chairs: Fred L. Griffin, MD (Birmingham, AL)
Jane S. Hall, LCSW, FIPA (New York, NY)
Presenter: Iris Sugarman, LCSW, FIPA, BCD (New York, NY)

Please join us on Wednesday night 7:30 PM for our discussion group. We are pleased that Iris Sugarman, LCSW, FIPA, BCD will be making a presentation entitled, “Supervision Revisited—Contributions and Challenges.” After discussing writers whose work has deepened her understanding of the supervisory process, she will make comments about
the liabilities inherent in being a supervisee, followed by a case presentation.

The supervisory case material will center on Ms. Sugarman’s experience with a supervisee who came with a full, detailed process recording that left no room for the supervisor to respond. Such “over complete process” inhibits the supervisory process, as it distances the supervisor and supervisee. Ms. Sugarman will describe how she was able
to identify the nature of this constricted supervisory process and was then able to transform it into an alive supervisory experience.

Iris Sugarman, LCSW, FIPA, BCD is a member of the New York Freudian Society, the New York School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (NYSPP), IPTAR and IPA. She is a training analyst at the New York Freudian Society and NYSPP. She serves as Director of Admissions at NYSPP.

We look forward to seeing you for a stimulating discussion on January 16.

Fred L. Griffin, MD
Jane S. Hall, LCSW, FIPA