Writer’s Wednesday: W.B. Yeats


Click Here to Read: W.B. Yeats on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: William Butler Yeats 1865–1939 on the Poetry Foundation website.

Click Here to Read: William Butler Yeats – Biographical on the Nobel Prize.org Website.

Click Here to Read: Yeats Meets the Digital Age, Full of Passionate Intensity By Jim Dwyer in The New York Times on July 20, 2008.

Click Here to Read: The Deathbed Confessions of William Butler Yeats: When the poet died 75 years ago, three of his most brutal poems were in the current issue of The Atlantic by Jennie Rothenberg Gritz on the Atlantic Monthly website on Jannuary 28, 2014.

Click Here to Read: Age-Turner When Pound and Yeats Ate a Peacock By Dan Chiasson in The New Yorker on February 24, 2015.

Click Here to Read:  William Butler Yeats – The Second Coming on YouTube.

Click Here to Read: What W. B. Yeats’s ‘Second Coming’ Really Says About the Iraq War
By Adam Cohen in The New York Times on Feburary 12, 2007.

Click Here to Read: A Short Analysis of Yeats’s ‘The Second Coming’ on the Interesting Vision website on January 11, 2016.

Click Here to Read: Sailing to Byzantium, Poem by William Butler Yeats on YouTube.

Click Here to Read: Articles on W.B. Yeats on the Guardian website.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Writer’s Wednesday on this Website.article