Society Saturday: The New York Psychoanalytic Society


Click Here to Read: New York Psychoanalytic Society on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute Website.

Click Here to Read: List of Publications by NYPSI members from PEP.

Click Here to Read: On Poetry and Psychoanalysis on
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 on the NYPSI website.

Click Here to Read: Corresponding Lives: A Reading from the Letters between A. A. Brill and by Mabel Dodge Luhan October 19, 2016.

Click Here to Read: Reconstruction in a two-person world may be more about the present than the past: Freud and the Wolf Man Tuesday, November 1, 2016.

Click Here to Read: Dissociation, Repression and Splitting in Contrasting Theories of the Unconscious: A Clinical DiscussionWednesday, November 2, 2016 8:00 pm Presenter: Marie Rudden, MD.

Click Here to Read: NYPSI at 100 on this website.

Click Here to Read: An Archive of NYPSI Brill Lectures on this website.

Click Here to Read: Some Analytic History: AA Brill on this website.

Click Here to Read: Psychoanalysis: Critical Conversations: Selected Papers by Arnold Richards Volume I on

Click Here to Read: Created in Our Own by Fred Sander on

Click Here to Read: A Brief Introduction to Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis And His Enduring Legacy by Sander Abend on

Click Here to Read:  Scary Old Sex by Arlene Heyman on

Click Here to Read:  CBS News Interview with Charles Brenner on this website.

Click Here to Read: Psychology Sunday: Charles Fisher On this website.

Click Here to Read: Interview with Jacob Arlow by Frank H. Parcells on this website.

Click Here to Read: Unpublished Papers by Jacob Arlow on this website.

Click Here to Read: Interview with Arnold Richards at Yiddish Book Center

Click Here to Read:  An interview with Arnold Richards by Eileen Piasecki, Editor of the Out of Our Minds, The Newsletter of the Florida Psychoanalytic Institute in Fall, 2003.

Click Here to Read: Charles Fisher Interview by Arnold Richards Complete on this website.

Click here to Read: Future of Psychoanalytic Education Conference: Arnold Richards on this


Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Society Saturday on this website