Writer’s Wednesday: Upton Sinclair


Click Here to Read: Upton Sinclair on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: Upton Sinclair By Anthony Arthur in The New York Times.

Click Here to Read: The Jungle at 100: Why the reputation of Upton Sinclair?s good book has gone bad by Chris Bachelder in Mother Jones in the JAaNUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 ISSUE.

Click Here to Read: Welcome to The Jungle: Does Upton Sinclair’s famous novel hold up?
By Karen Olsson on the Slate website on July 10, 2006.

Click Here to Read:  Upton Sinclair made his mark as a muckraker. His vision for California now takes the spotlight by Annie Nakao in the San Francisco Chronicle on January 12, 2005.

Click Here to Read: The Jungle and the Progressive Era by Robert W. Cherny on the Guilder Institute of American History website.

Click Here to Read:  The Traumatic Birth of the Modern (and Vicious) Political Campaign:
When Upton Sinclair ran for governor of California in 1934, new media were marshaled to beat him By Gilbert King on the smithsonian.com website on October 11, 2012

Click Here to Read: Blood, sweat and fears: Gary Younge on why Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle caused uproar in the US meat-packing industry on the Guardian website on august 5, 2005.

Click Here to Read:  Other posts on Writer’s Wednesday on this website.