Beyond the Basic Curriculum at IPTAR


The Beyond the Basic Curriculum Committee is pleased to offer the following courses. ALL ARE AVAILABLE FOR CE CREDITS FOR SOCIAL WORKERS. These courses are open to IPTAR candidates who are past their second year of study, and to IPTAR members. In addition, they are open to candidates and members of other institutes. IPTAR candidates who have completed their coursework but have not yet graduated are required to take one course per year.

Instructor: Vivian Eskin, PhD
This four week course is designed to provide an introduction to Tavistock Couples’ Therapy. This particular lens highlights the unconscious choice of partner, unconscious beliefs and unresolved oedipal issues which can impede couple relationships. The use of the therapist as a containing object will be understood as a key component of the treatment.

In addition, as individual therapists we do not have the opportunity to see the partner our patients are involved with. Listening to case vignettes of couple treatment can shed light on obstacles patients face related to dependency, vulnerability, separateness, ambivalence
and commitment.
Wednesdays, September 14, 21, 28 October 5 730-9pm Location TBA
Vivian Eskin PhD is a training and supervising Analyst at the
Contemporary Freudian Society and a graduate of the Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships in London, UK

Instructor: Irene Cairo, MD
This class will be structured as an opportunity to read and apply the work of Betty Joseph, Ron Britton, and Herbert Rosenfeld to address the pathology of the so-called difficult patient and intervene to alleviate impasses. Participants are limited to 5 and process, psychoanalytic and/or psychotherapeutic, is required.

Wednesdays, October 19, 26 November 2,9,16,30 830-10 pm
@ 5 West 86 th Street, NYC 10024

Dr. Cairo is a Psychiatrist and a Psychoanalyst in New York. She is a member of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute.

Instructor: Bruce Reis, PhD.
The rise of intersubjective conceptions within psychoanalysis has brought to the fore issues of interaction between analyst and analysands. The form this interaction takes in the Freudian
paradigm is an involvement of two unconscious minds contacting, impacting, interacting and influencing each other. In this course we will survey some classical and contemporary Freudian conceptions of what it means to deeply interact in these ways and take measure of the variety of conceptions of unconscious interplay that today we might call “intersubjective.” We will reads papers from Freud, Diamond, Birkstead-Breen, Bolognini, Bollas, Ogden, Bach, and
Libbey, among others.
Wednesdays, January 2017,4 11, 18, 25 February 7, 14, 21, 28 830-10pm
@205 East 16 th Street, Suite 2C
Bruce Reis, PhD. is a psychologist in private practice and faculty at NYU Post Doctoral Program in Psychoanalysis. He is a member of IPTAR.

Instructor: Janice O. Bennett, PhD
This four session course offers a window into the intersection of race and culture in the training of analysts of color. Participants will look at the dynamics when the ideals of a democratic society confront the reality of the marginalized status that is assigned to analysts of color. Psychoanalytic training institutes remain bound by a legacy of discrimination and racism where privilege and power remain in the hands of Euro-Americans who control the admissions process.

The dissonance and the anxiety of the racialized ‘other’ which emerges may be traumatic both for analyst trainees of color as well as for all who are members of the institute. Readings will include authors such as Alexander Thomas, Samuel Sillon, F. Dalal, R. Carter, Franz Fanon, Joel Kovel , among others.

Fridays, January 2017, 13, 20, 27 February 3 1230-2
@145 west 96 th Street Suite 1F
Dr. Janice O. Bennett is a graduate of NYU’s Postdoctoral Program and a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York.

Instructor: Jared Russell, PhD

This brief course pursues the relationship between psychoanalysis and contemporary politics via a reading of Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents. This text, too often ignored by clinicians, raises questions about how analysts are to treat their patients’ political
identities. Is psychoanalysis to be conceived as a liberal discourse oriented towards an experience of freedom, or as a conservative discourse oriented towards an experience of tradition? Or does it not rather offer a “third way” beyond the stale liberal/conservative
divide by insisting on the importance of sublimation? Instead of merely importing neo-liberal ideas into psychoanalytic thinking, how can we “think politics psychoanalytically?” Opening up these questions will involve rethinking classical assumptions about the relationships between the political, the ethical and the clinical.
Supplementary readings will include selections by Karl Marx,
Herbert Marcuse, Cornelius Castoriadis and Bernard Stiegler.
Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22 830-10pm @IPTAR East

Jared Russell, PhD. is faculty at IPTAR and has a private practice in New York.

Instructor: Rogelio Sosnik, MD.
This course will introduce participants to the pioneering work of Madeleine and Willy Baranger, as first explicated in the IJP article in 2008,”The Analytic Situation as a Dynamic Field.” The
advantage of being able to think in terms of a field is that the dynamics of the analytic situation inevitably encounter many stumbling blocks which reveal the existence of a pathology specific to the individual patient/analyst structure – a basic unconscious fantasy rooted in the unconscious of each of them. We will discuss these ideas using clinical material gleaned from the class.
Wednesdays, April 19,26 May 3,10,17,24 830-10pm
@ 200 East 89 th Street

***Course Fees: For IPTAR and CAP members and candidates courses are $180 for a four-week
course, $218 for a six-week course, and $255 for an eight-week course. For candidates and
members of other institutes, courses are $255 for a 4-week course, $317 for a 6-week course, and
$380 for an eight-week course.

Beyond the Basic Curriculum Committee: Janis Leventhal, Chair; Judith Hanlon, Susan Light, Donna
Roth Smith, Bob Wood, Ellen Marakowitz, Jeff O’Malley. For further information contact Janis Leventhal at 917-734- 6191 or