Coming Soon from IPbooks

Sander Abend  A Brief Introduction to Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis And His Enduring Legacy
Sheldon Bach Chimeras and Other Writings
Volney Gay  The Pleasure of Owning Persons
Helen Gediman Building Bridges: Selected Papers of Helen K. Gediman
Arnold Goldberg The Selected Papers of Arnold Goldberg, MD

 Holt Rapaport Letters Edited by Arthur A. Lynch
 John Kafka Psychoanalysis: Unveiling the Past – Discovering the New: Selected Papers of John S. Kafka
Robert L. Lippman The Unknown Freud: Five Plays and Five Essays
Frank Putnam The Way We Are: How States of Mind Influence our Identity,
Personality, and Potential for Change
Arnold D. Richards Perspectives on Thought Collectives: Selected Papers of Arnold D. Richards, Volume 2
Arnold D. Richards The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst: Selected Papers of Arnold D. Richards, Volume 3
Henry Seiden Spaldeen: Poems by Henry Seiden
Burton Seitler and Kim Kleinman, Eds. Essays From Crib to Couch: In Honor of Psychoanalytics Developmental Psychology of Sylvia Brody.
Herbert Stein Moving Pictures: Films Through a Psychoanalytic Lens.
Michael Zimmerman Tyrants Of The Heart: A Psychoanalytic Study Of Mothers And Maternal Images In James Joyce