Writer’s Wednesday: Sholem Asch


Click Here to Read:  Sholem Asch on Wikipedia.

Click Here to Read: Asch, Sholem on the YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe Wesbite.

Click Here to Read: The God of Vengeance by Sholem Asch on the US Archive.org website

Click Here to Read: Asch’s Passion: A popular Yiddish novelist strove for immortality by taking on Jesus, but it cost him his core audience and made him a marked man By Ellen Umansky on the Tablet Website on April 24, 2007.

Click Here to Read: Tug-of-War: Sholem Asch and His Translators Written by David Mazower in the Pakn Treger Magazine of the Yiddish Book Center, Published Summer 2012 / 5772 Part of issue number 65.

Click Here to Read: Asch’s Diamonds by Alyssa Quint on the Forward website on Aug 19, 2005.

Click Here to Read: Sholem Asch Reconsidered: A conference at Yale University, May 13-15, 2000 on the Yale University Library website.

Click Here to Read:  Sholem Asch finally reconsidered by Jeremy Dauber on the Free Library.com website.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Writer’s Wednesday on this Website.