Muriel Dimen


Click Here to Read:  Lapsus Linguae, or a Slip of the Tongue?: A Sexual Violation in an Analytic Treatment and Its Personal and Theoretical Aftermath by Muriel Dimen, Ph.D. (2011). in Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 47:35-79.

My beloved mentor, guide, inspiration and teacher, Muriel Dimen, passed away this morning. She left us after a short battle with cancer that was stronger than her will to live.

Muriel was a trailblazer, she bravely opened up avenues of progress in our field.  Most recently, in an honest and brave article on sexual boundary violations, she held up the mirror and asked us to look hard and close.  (I am attaching the article). In many of her more recent talks she questioned the wisdom of looking at sexual boundary violations from psychological angle only and not addressing the social context.  She said that this discourse is more of a “folk theory” of what she framed under the saying “one rotten apple spoils the barrel” — perhaps the mold
spores are in the barrel/container, not the apples themselves.

Whatever I write here won’t do Muriel justice.  What I really want to say is that today, I lost someone very dear and close to my heart.

This day of love ,will be a day of sadness, loss and sorrow. You will be missed terribly, Muriel Dimen.

Much love to you all.
