Truth and Knowledge in the Clinic: Working with Freud and Lacan by Erik Porge at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents
BOOK PRESENTATION: Truth and Knowledge in the Clinic: Working with Freud and Lacan by Erik Porge
Friday, February 26, 2016, 6:30 pm
The School of Visual Arts
136 West 21st Street, New York, NY
Introductory Remarks by Martin Winn

Discussing his latest work, Erik Porge will focus on the theme of psychoanalytic transmission, showing how some dimensions of psychoanalytic work—in and of themselves untransmittable—emerge only as a consequence of the analyst’s formation. Such issues as style, proper names, and the relation between the collective and the individual, are treated with clarity and penetrating originality.

Erik Porge is a psychoanalyst practicing in Paris. A member of the École Freudienne de Paris until its dissolution, he is the co-founder of the Association de Psychanalyse Encore and the editor-in-chief of the psychoanalytic journal Essaim. He is the author of a number of well-known books, including: Les Noms du père chez Jacques Lacan (1997); Jacques Lacan, un psychanalyste (2000); Voix de l’écho (2012); and Le ravissement de Lacan (2015). Truth and Knowledge in the Clinic is his first book to be translated into English.

Martin Winn is a psychoanalyst practicing in New York and a faculty member and Supervisor in Après-Coup. He has published articles in Division/Review, and was a contributor to Les Errances de la Transmission (Après-Coup and Association de psychanalyse Encore).

Attendance is free and open to the public. Please ask at the desk for the room number.
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