An Acknowledgment of Dr. Donald Meyers by Arlene Kramer Richards and Lucille Spira


An Acknowledgment of Dr. Donald Meyers

It is with much regret that we acknowledge the passing of Donald Meyers, M.D. Over the past year we had several contacts with Dr. Meyers as we sought his permission to dedicate Myths of Mighty Women to Helen Meyers, M.D., his wife. His graciousness and support touched both of us, as did the loving way he spoke about her when he gave his permission for us to honor her. Reflectively, and with feeling, he said, “Indeed she was a mighty women.”

After asking what he could do to help us with our book, following our suggestion, he immediately agreed to write the dedication in Helen’s honor. He requested that Andrew, his son, join him in this tribute, which of course was fine with us. The result of their effort was a beautiful and loving story about Helen that details her many accomplishments and history while it also captures her more adventurous side. Their homage to Helen supports our idea that strong and generous men contribute to women finding their voice, developing their full potential, and being recognized publicly for their accomplishments. We are pleased to have known Donald Meyers in this way.


Arlene Kramer Richards, Ed.D.

Lucille Spira, LCSW/Ph.D.

Co-editors: Myths of Mighty Women Their                     Application in Psychoanalytic                               Psychotherapy