Social Work Saturday: Patrick Casement


Click Here to Read: Kate Schechter interviews Patrick Casement in the Beyond the Couch Journal in the
Issue 2 December 2007 Issue.

Click Here to Read: Patrick J. Casement’s book Learning from the Patient on the Eruditor Bookstore website.

Click Here To Read:  Review of Learning From Our Mistakes: Beyond Dogma In Psychoanalysis And Psychotherapy by Patrick Casement, Reviewed By Susan Demattos on the American Psychological Association Division 39 website.

Click Here to Read: Review of On learning from the Patient 
by Patrick Casement, Reviewed by Mary Montaut on the IAHIP website.

Click Here to Read:  Beyond words -the role of psychoanalysis by Patrick Casement on the British Psychological Society Website.

Click Here to Read: Review of Learning from Our Mistakes: Psychoanalysis and Beyond by Patrick Casement, reviewed by Petar Jevremovic on the Metapsychology Reviews website.

Click Here to Read: Clinical Seminar Review: Beyond Interpretation – Patrick Casement – Saturday 5th July 2008
Reviewed by Dr June Atherton on the IAHIP website.

Click Here to Read:  Other Posts on Social Work Saturday on this website.