Workshop on Child Analysis at Après-Coup

Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association presents



Child, Victim, Subject
Angelo Villa
Saturday, June 20, 2015
10:30 am–1:30 pm

The School of Visual Arts
136 West 21st Street, New York, NY

The problems of child abuse require the analyst to direct treatment from an ethical as well as a clinical standpoint. The compass to guide us must always be the young patient’s subjectivity, but we also need to assess what goes on in a disordered family environment and the consequences of the interventions regulated by the law.

Suggested Readings: Freud, “A Child Is Being Beaten” (1919). Lacan, Seminar IV, La relation d’objet, 1956/57.

Angelo Villa is a psychoanalyst practicing in Milan, where he also teaches at the Università Bicocca, the Istituto Freudiano, and the IRPA (Institute for Applied Psychoanalytic Research).  His books include  a Glossario Lacaniano, Il tempo spezzato, Intercultura e immigrazione, Pink Freud. Psicoanalisi della canzone d’autore, and La mano nel cappello, translated in English as Psychoanalysis and Severe Handicap: The Hand in the Cap (London, Karnac, 2013).
Attendance fee: $20; for students with ID: $10

Attendance is free for members of Après-Coup as well as for the

faculty and students of the School of Visual Arts.

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